View Full Version : [release] Java Chat hack

11-27-2000, 04:26 PM
Name: Java chat hack v1.0 (Optimized for vBulletin 2)
Author: Christophe Johanns
Boards: http://www.edevboards.com
Online example: http://edevboards.com/chat.php?page=index
Special thanks: James Ussher-Smith
Last updated: Mar 06, 2001

Features: Shows user as 'Active User' or 'Guest' if he visits the chat page
Logs the user in with his username, and logs guests in with seperate guest names.
Uses header and footer template of your vB copy
Has a Java chat applet powered by ConferenceRoom (http://www.conferenceroom.com) which is totally customizable
It makes it easy to add/delete a 'Rules' page
You can easily set the <body> tag, the font face and several other options like a navigation bar and so on.

How to install:[list=A] Download the WinZip file from http://freesources.net/vbulletin/chat.zip
Extract the WinZip file (chat.php & chat_count.txt) in the same map as index.php (the index of vBulletin)
Adjust the variables listed above in chat.php
Make a template called 'chatrules' with the rules you want to have displayed. You don't need to do this if you have set $rules to 'no'. You may use HTML.
Upload chat.php and chat_count.txt and CHMOD chat_count.txt 777.[/list=A]After you installed it you can go to the index page by accessing chat.php?page=index on your domain (ie domain.com/chat.php?page=index)

This hack will only work properly if you use a header as top of yourboards. If you use bbimage you should slightly adjust it. I will post another download for this in some days.

12-12-2000, 10:23 AM
no replies :(

well is anyone actually using it?

I don't think I'll enhance it when there's so little interest.. sorry.

12-12-2000, 03:53 PM
I tried the Hack, but it seems that I can enter the chat using an other's username.
In fact. some times the chat asks me for the password and other times no.

12-15-2000, 11:45 AM
that's IRC

we can't change that...

12-16-2000, 10:41 AM
It takes just 30 seconds to install, and it works perfect.

Thanks for your hack, CJ. I am gonna use it on my site.

Any improvement will be appreciated :cool:

12-16-2000, 07:53 PM
great :)

improvememnt will come soon.. promised!

02-11-2001, 06:27 AM
nice hack :)

02-11-2001, 02:18 PM
I like the Hack, but i need an option to change the IRC Server?

is ist possible?


02-12-2001, 09:41 AM
Unfortunately that isn't possible.

02-12-2001, 11:05 AM
Can you only use your server?

I can't do that, and personally I find that to be a nasty trick to try and get IRC users. If you want to write hacks don't require them to use your services. What happens when your server is down?

If you want to see a nice Java IRC Chat client check out http://www.jpilot.com. You can customize the look of it and choose what IRC server. It is shareware thought, but registration is only $40.

02-12-2001, 11:06 AM
If it doesn't require you to connect to only your IRC server but a local server then I apologize for the rant.

02-13-2001, 03:53 PM

You can't connect to other servers, simply because the (FREE) Java Chat from webmaster.com doesn't allow you to. Because everyone wants to get everything for free lately and because webmaster.com has the best Java Chat solutions I chose that service to be integrated in the hack.

Why would I want to get users to my IRC server anyway? It would only cost me money...

WebNet is one of the best IRC networks (fast servers, nickserv & chanserv, long ncks allowed,...).

02-14-2001, 02:43 PM
Is it possible to have all the features that come with a chat applet and still be abl to save a transcript of the chat?

03-04-2001, 02:48 AM
woodsong that is not a bad idea but it is asking for quite a bit. I think vb is for the purpose when you want to save your "chats" and a java chat room to chat with that certain someone who happens to be online. BTW I think your hack is great! I'll implement it asap!

03-04-2001, 10:01 AM
Well it is possible, but there's no way to hack it in. What you need is a so-called IRC Bot (a small program) which can be connected to the net 24/24.

If you only want to log all messges you can just let a copy of mIRC (http://www.mirc.com) run day and night and be connected to WebNet and your channel while you turn logging on.

03-04-2001, 10:09 AM
I think this hack is great, but a much better implementatio would be of jIRC from www.jpilot.com you can log in to several different servers and channels it's all configurable!

03-04-2001, 02:16 PM
not bad. i made a few adjustments to it to fit my needs and it's really good and useful

03-04-2001, 06:19 PM
I just tested the two of them, but www.jpilot.com seems the best solution for what I need to do, an IRC chat on our intranet.

Another very good script I have seen is PhPChat at www.hotscripts.com. Unfortenately it uses some function that are not available under Windows, so I cannot use it. But I have seen this PhPChat working and it is very nice, also fully configurable, even more than jpilot, because you have access to the full source code!!!!

03-04-2001, 07:08 PM
phpchat sounds good, I just wish I could see a demo of it!

03-05-2001, 06:15 AM


This is a real working PhPchat, connecting to an irc server, looks very cool

03-06-2001, 04:52 PM
I optimized the code for vBulletin 2, but you can still use it in vB1. I added some more ease to edit styles.
Any questions? Feel free to ask!

03-06-2001, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by smouge


This is a real working PhPchat, connecting to an irc server, looks very cool
I didn't quite like it, I'm not too fond of Web based chats, java is much better imho

03-06-2001, 05:50 PM
jpilot allows you to change servers and channels

05-06-2001, 02:40 PM
heres mine using jpilot

full intergrated into vb - no extra templates or files

works perfect

05-09-2001, 10:45 AM
I really want to get a chat room up and running but need to know a few things first.

What is an irc server and how do I go about getting one, when I have one how do I connect it to the jpilot does any software need to be installed on our servers?

any help would be very much appreciated.