11-27-2000, 04:26 PM
Name: Java chat hack v1.0 (Optimized for vBulletin 2)
Author: Christophe Johanns
Boards: http://www.edevboards.com
Online example: http://edevboards.com/chat.php?page=index
Special thanks: James Ussher-Smith
Last updated: Mar 06, 2001
Features: Shows user as 'Active User' or 'Guest' if he visits the chat page
Logs the user in with his username, and logs guests in with seperate guest names.
Uses header and footer template of your vB copy
Has a Java chat applet powered by ConferenceRoom (http://www.conferenceroom.com) which is totally customizable
It makes it easy to add/delete a 'Rules' page
You can easily set the <body> tag, the font face and several other options like a navigation bar and so on.
How to install:[list=A] Download the WinZip file from http://freesources.net/vbulletin/chat.zip
Extract the WinZip file (chat.php & chat_count.txt) in the same map as index.php (the index of vBulletin)
Adjust the variables listed above in chat.php
Make a template called 'chatrules' with the rules you want to have displayed. You don't need to do this if you have set $rules to 'no'. You may use HTML.
Upload chat.php and chat_count.txt and CHMOD chat_count.txt 777.[/list=A]After you installed it you can go to the index page by accessing chat.php?page=index on your domain (ie domain.com/chat.php?page=index)
This hack will only work properly if you use a header as top of yourboards. If you use bbimage you should slightly adjust it. I will post another download for this in some days.
Author: Christophe Johanns
Boards: http://www.edevboards.com
Online example: http://edevboards.com/chat.php?page=index
Special thanks: James Ussher-Smith
Last updated: Mar 06, 2001
Features: Shows user as 'Active User' or 'Guest' if he visits the chat page
Logs the user in with his username, and logs guests in with seperate guest names.
Uses header and footer template of your vB copy
Has a Java chat applet powered by ConferenceRoom (http://www.conferenceroom.com) which is totally customizable
It makes it easy to add/delete a 'Rules' page
You can easily set the <body> tag, the font face and several other options like a navigation bar and so on.
How to install:[list=A] Download the WinZip file from http://freesources.net/vbulletin/chat.zip
Extract the WinZip file (chat.php & chat_count.txt) in the same map as index.php (the index of vBulletin)
Adjust the variables listed above in chat.php
Make a template called 'chatrules' with the rules you want to have displayed. You don't need to do this if you have set $rules to 'no'. You may use HTML.
Upload chat.php and chat_count.txt and CHMOD chat_count.txt 777.[/list=A]After you installed it you can go to the index page by accessing chat.php?page=index on your domain (ie domain.com/chat.php?page=index)
This hack will only work properly if you use a header as top of yourboards. If you use bbimage you should slightly adjust it. I will post another download for this in some days.