View Full Version : VBcards

03-02-2003, 10:00 PM
This VBcard system will work with all VB versions! It is translated from Dutch to English and it can happen that there is a language-typo in the html but the code is working.

It is also a simple and efficient script and the reason i love it is that it sends you an email when the card is 'picked up' but more important is the PR for your forum.

There are default 9 cards available but you can add more if you wish. All you have to do is copy and paste in the index.html to add more images. Remember that the numbers of the images must go up in the same pattern, so: 001.jpg, 002.jpg etc.
A 'readme' file is in the zip and if there are questions i shall try to answer but i'm not that good with php and this is my first modification for vb.org.

After installing you can place a link at any place in your forum but remember to add the headers and footers as mentioned in the readme file. Good luck. :)

VBcard: http://www.cyberty.nl/vbcards.zip

Demo: http://www.cyberty.nl/bin/ecards/

03-03-2003, 01:57 PM
please don't post urls maybe some 'illegal vb users' can download it without having a license ...

I will try this hack :D :)

Post aub geen urls anders kunnen mensen die geen licensie hebben dit gewoon downloaden en dan er gebruik van maken en oja de files zijn in het nederlands... :)

ik probeer deze hack wel :D:)

03-03-2003, 01:59 PM
The file is to big for an attachment i guess

03-03-2003, 02:02 PM
Can we see some screenshots or a live demo?

03-03-2003, 02:10 PM
Demo link in the first post ;)

03-03-2003, 02:50 PM
PHP 3?! O_o

03-03-2003, 03:24 PM
Sebastian, if it was PHP4=c2 it would make no difference for the working of this script don't you think? :D

03-03-2003, 03:47 PM
mm it is not really a vbulletin hack i think or am i wrong?

03-03-2003, 04:14 PM
I don't think this is a hack either, its just a E-Card Script.. -__-

03-03-2003, 04:49 PM
You're right. It's translated and i've tried to let it work with the header and footer of your forum to work inside it. But it does this realy good and i believe it's a nice script for Vb.

03-03-2003, 07:40 PM
Its pretty cool, will test it after i trnaslate into POLISH :)

03-04-2003, 12:08 AM
I do not see what it has to do with vb ?

It makes no calls to the vb templates or data base... Nice script but not vb I don't think... ( could be wrong )

03-07-2003, 08:08 PM
Yip, agree w/ insanctus

05-24-2003, 11:04 AM
Really good.
Would you be interested in writing it together with me?
We could integrate a Card software I allreay have with yours...