View Full Version : Last edited by...

02-28-2003, 11:58 AM

I know there's a setting for which admin edits won't show the "Last edited by"

but i have 4 forums which are "read only" and the last edited by appears each time I (the admin) edit something.

How can i prevent this to happen?

On all access public forums this does not happen.



02-28-2003, 05:35 PM
Got it. Thanks, NTLDR (via IM) for the help. For others who may have a similar problem - remove all "who's online" code from vbindex.php. If you do not use vbindex.php, sorry, I dun't know what to tell you. :) Cheers!@

02-28-2003, 07:35 PM
Is this a reply to my problem?

02-28-2003, 11:44 PM
:| I'm terribly sorry, Areku! I guess I was in the wrong thread with that reply. :(

But, in hopes of answering your question and making up for my carelessness - try this:

Admin CP > vBulletin Options > Edit Options > and change the settings accordingly.

If you want members to have "edited by ..." shown, but NOT admin - check "yes" and "no" respectively for the first two options in "Edit Options". If you want neither to show - check no. And so forth. :D
