View Full Version : Posts are visible, but invisible?!?!?!

02-28-2003, 08:28 AM
Hi there,

I've installed several hacks onto my board but never faced this problem before:

I do have a moderator validation forum so people sell and buy things second hand, with my (admin) validation first.

One user complained about his message being approved but not showing on the threads list BUT on the search results!

As admin, I entered control panel, checked that no thread was awaiting validation and then noticed that is true: his post does NOT appear on the thread list (with my admin viewing privileges, I'm the only admin and I have full rights) but it does appear on search results!

I've checked thread properties and it is put "as visible" and users can reply to it. it is simply that it does not show up!

The thread is just 5 days old.

For now, i'm only aware of this error.

Any advice?


03-03-2003, 08:14 AM

No idea?

No advice?