View Full Version : Stars Hack for 1.1.4

11-26-2000, 03:37 PM
hi all!

in the thread "Updatet Star hack" is a tut how to install the stars hack...
but in showthread 1.1.4 there is no line

$userinfo=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT userid,email,username,usertitle,signature,showemai l,homepage,icq,aim,yahoo,joindate,posts FROM user WHERE userid=$userid");

I have PM and Avatar Hack also installed.

And... i like to have a stars hack who has this:

8 golden Stars

7 golden Stars

1to6 silver stars

please help me...
thank u!

11-26-2000, 06:06 PM

Had the same idea, and would be glad anyone has an idea. Perhaps its a "build in" feature in 2.0??


11-27-2000, 02:58 PM
Look for :
$posts=$DB_site->query("SELECT post.dateline as dateline,post.postid as postid,post.pagetext as pagetext,
post.allowsmilie as allowsmilie,post.signature AS showsignature,post.title as title,
post.ipaddress as ipaddress,post.iconid as iconid,post.username as fakename,
post.userid as userid,
user.userid as userid,user.email as email,user.username as username,
user.usertitle as usertitle,user.signature as signature,user.showemail as showemail,
user.homepage as homepage,user.icq as icq,user.aim as aim,user.yahoo as yahoo,
user.joindate as joindate,user.posts as posts
FROM post
LEFT JOIN user ON (user.userid = post.userid)
WHERE post.threadid=$threadid AND visible=1
ORDER BY dateline $postorder
LIMIT $limitlower,$perpage");

Add :

user.usergroupid as usergroupid,


post.userid as userid,

Then do the rest (as what you did before), you should be ok. I have tested and it works.
