View Full Version : Post Counter

Kamui Shirou
02-25-2003, 03:43 PM
Hi folks. Hope you can help me by solving this problem.
It has something to do with the newreply.php i think but im not sure.
If a user posts in a thread he gets 1 forward to his post counter. But if he posts in a second time no reaction. The Counter remains the number of posts it had reight before.
If you go to another thread, in which you've not posted before its the same thing. the post counter only counts 1 post for each thread.
the hackz installed:
Stop Doubleposting, vb Last Title, myvbIndex3.1, quickreply, NewStatistik by Afterburner

vb 2.30

demo: http://www.mangaboard.com

hope you can help me. ah i attched the newreply.php

edit: srz. did not know that im not allowed to post my newreply.php

02-25-2003, 04:47 PM
stop doubleposting prevents users from doubleposting, and so also the postcounter doesn't increase!

it will just increase after someone else has posted into this thread and then again the first one.
so, no problem, everything works correct.

Kamui Shirou
02-25-2003, 04:49 PM
oh no.
this is also the case if another user just postet before and you only give an anser

02-25-2003, 04:55 PM
hmm, maybe you've made an mistake while installing...
reupload the original newreply.php and apply the hack again carefully

Kamui Shirou
02-25-2003, 05:16 PM
the problem made the newstatistik hack ny afterburner





// Afterburner
$curtime = time();
$date_today = getdate($curtime);
$res1 = $DB_site->query("UPDATE afterburner_stat SET newposts = newposts+1 WHERE time = '$time_today'");
// Afterburner