View Full Version : More of a Forum Integration Problem

02-22-2003, 11:16 AM
OK, on most sites you have the latest news displayed on the homepage of the site.

We have decided to do this through vbulletin. We have a forum called News, now, only Admins and Mods can post topics but anyone can reply.

The key for this to work is, the SITE homepage reads the database and grabs topics in the news forum. It then displays them on the homepage newest first.


See it works. However there are two problems (the second can't work until the first works).

The first problem:

The date. The timestamp in the database that vbulletin uses (in the thread table) is a numeric value. How do I convert it into the date (I need specific code really, like a routine).

I'm really lost on that one you see.

the second is how do I do date sorting when the date is a numeric value, but then that should be easy when I get the dayte parsed from a numeric value to the actual date.

Any help here will be very much appreciated.

02-22-2003, 12:04 PM
well, the numeric timestamp is the unixtimestamp it counts the seconds from 1.1.1970 to time now

sorty by dateline DESC sorts the news with newst first

converting thats what the date() function of php does, read the manual on php.net for syntax infos :)