02-21-2003, 09:16 PM
Can anyone please tell me how to make the following code be able to handle a timezone that is like +3.5 as well as +3?
while(list($timediff, $cities)=each($timezones)) {
$servertime = $timeoffset - $timediff;
$timestamp = mktime (date("H")-$servertime, date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"));
$datetime = date($dateformat, $timestamp);
$hourtime = date($hourformat, $timestamp);
if ($timediff == $bbuserinfo[timezoneoffset]) {
eval("\$localzone = \"".gettemplate('worldtimes_local')."\";");
} else {
eval("\$localzone = \"".gettemplate('worldtimes_notlocal')."\";");
eval("\$citycol .= \"".gettemplate('worldtimes_cols')."\";");
if($i % $perrow == 0) {
eval("\$cityzones .= \"".gettemplate('worldtimes_rows')."\";");
Here is a piece of code (thanks to Firefly) that handles the odd timezones. I need to add this ability to the above code.
$times = array();
for ($i = -12; $i <= 12; $i += 0.5) {
$time = $i * 10;
if ($time < 0) {
$time = 'n' . substr($time, 1);
$times["$time"] = date($timeformat, time() + ($i - $timeoffset) * 3600); // 9948 edit
while(list($timediff, $cities)=each($timezones)) {
$servertime = $timeoffset - $timediff;
$timestamp = mktime (date("H")-$servertime, date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"));
$datetime = date($dateformat, $timestamp);
$hourtime = date($hourformat, $timestamp);
if ($timediff == $bbuserinfo[timezoneoffset]) {
eval("\$localzone = \"".gettemplate('worldtimes_local')."\";");
} else {
eval("\$localzone = \"".gettemplate('worldtimes_notlocal')."\";");
eval("\$citycol .= \"".gettemplate('worldtimes_cols')."\";");
if($i % $perrow == 0) {
eval("\$cityzones .= \"".gettemplate('worldtimes_rows')."\";");
Here is a piece of code (thanks to Firefly) that handles the odd timezones. I need to add this ability to the above code.
$times = array();
for ($i = -12; $i <= 12; $i += 0.5) {
$time = $i * 10;
if ($time < 0) {
$time = 'n' . substr($time, 1);
$times["$time"] = date($timeformat, time() + ($i - $timeoffset) * 3600); // 9948 edit