View Full Version : Hack Help

02-20-2003, 10:10 AM
I have this new fields in my user table called QUADS and BIKES

In my getinfo I have them showing statistically.

Quads: 2
Bikes: 5

The counter counts threads made in certain forum ids.

What I want to do is have something showing the average amount of Quad and Bike posts per month.

I only can come up with this.

$qbtime = (time() - $userinfo[joindate]) / 2592000; // Days Joined
if ($qbtime < 1) { // User has been a member for less than one day.
$qbpermonth = "$userinfo[quads]";
} else {
$qbpermonth = sprintf("%.2f",($userinfo[quads] / $qbtime));

This only does the monthly average of quads and not quads and bikes combined.

I dont no how to combine both values of quads and bikes and average a monthly value to it.

That what I need help on. I hope someone understands me hehe. :D

02-20-2003, 11:12 AM
you add them with a +
so something like this:

$qbpermonth + $other_variable;
$qbpermonth = $string;

02-20-2003, 11:16 AM
Well the variable is this.


and this


So how would the code look in full. That is sorta what I am looking for hehe. Thanks for helping.

02-20-2003, 11:21 AM
$qbtime = (time() - $userinfo[joindate]) / 2592000; // Days Joined
if ($qbtime < 1) { // User has been a member for less than one day.
$userinfo[quads] += $userinfo[bikes];
$qbpermonth = "$userinfo[quads]";
} else {
$qbpermonth = sprintf("%.2f",($userinfo[quads] / $qbtime));

02-20-2003, 11:23 AM
I dont see how that would work in any way just by looking at it though?

unless maybe it should be this

$userinfo[quadsandbikes] = $userinfo[quads] + $userinfo[bikes];

I could try that.

02-20-2003, 11:25 AM
huh? now you have $userinfo[quadsandbikes] ???

I missed a = in the code.. i edited it.

this is how adding works, try it in a test file:


$count = 10;
$more = 23;
$count += $more;

echo "$count";


you get 33. Just as your doing, adding one $variable with another.

02-20-2003, 11:36 AM
i tried the code you mentioned up a few and it still doesnt work. It only shows the monthly average for just quads.

say quads counter was 5
and bikes counter was 10

the average would be 7.5

It is still not adding both values together as one.

02-20-2003, 11:38 AM
try this.

$qbtime = (time() - $userinfo[joindate]) / 2592000; // Days Joined
if ($qbtime < 1) { // User has been a member for less than one day.
$qbpermonth += $userinfo[quads] + $userinfo[bikes];
} else {
$qbpermonth = sprintf("%.2f",( $qbpermonth / $qbtime));

02-20-2003, 11:39 AM
I understand what you mean by that test thing u told me to do. It works it sasys 33 but the thing is the variables are getting pulled from the database on the board but your variables have values right there in the php already. I don't know if that is causing a conflict though maybe?

02-20-2003, 11:41 AM
did you try the last bit i posted?

02-20-2003, 11:41 AM
Nope that did not work neither. Same thing. Just showing the average for the quads.

02-20-2003, 11:43 AM
ya with the last bit u posted i just get average is 0. ;)

02-20-2003, 11:48 AM
lol. Okay try this... I didn't realise the adding was above the } else {

$qbtime = (time() - $userinfo[joindate]) / 2592000; // Days Joined
if ($qbtime < 1) { // User has been a member for less than one day.
$qbpermonth = "$userinfo[quads]";
} else {
$qbpermonth += $userinfo[quads] + $userinfo[bikes];
$qbpermonth = sprintf("%.2f",($qbpermonth / $qbtime));

02-20-2003, 11:52 AM
also ... what is the } else { there for? either way all you are doing is getting average right?

I see you are getting info when the user joined, but either way new user or not you want a total caculated?

02-20-2003, 11:52 AM
nope still not working. Just showing the average for just the quads. hhmm. Is there any other way of adding the 2?

02-20-2003, 11:54 AM
well i have the else because I when someone has 0 posts for quads the average is not 0 I think. I don't know. It doesnt hurt to have ti anyway so that cannot be the problem.

02-20-2003, 11:57 AM
i am usually good with math ;)
if this doesn't work then maybe Xenon can give it a crack.

$qbpermonth += $userinfo[quads] + $userinfo[bikes];
$qbtime = (time() - $userinfo[joindate]) / 2592000; // Days Joined
if ($qbtime < 1) { // User has been a member for less than one day.
$qbpermonth = $qbpermonth;
} else {
$qbpermonth = sprintf("%.2f",($qbpermonth / $qbtime));

02-20-2003, 11:59 AM
Ya i did that already. You told me to do that before but then u edited ur post. I saw both of the ways u did it hehe. Ya that doesn't neither. Hehe. I guess we can wait for Xenon then hehe. Thanks so much for trying though man. Its the thought that counts.