02-20-2003, 03:12 AM
Hey, I was hoping someone might be kind enough to help me out here!
I've moved all of my forum files to the root of my server and re-named index.php to forums.php - because I have MyVbIndex installed. As a result, the Navbar displays the following format in Showthread and Forumdisplay.
BBTitle* > Cat A > Cat B > Thread
*This obviously then links to the MyVbIndex page [index.php].
What I am trying to do is change this to the following format...
SiteTitle > Forums > Cat A > Cat B > Thread
...only on the Showthread and Forumdisplay - the way this is for every other page works fine.
So far, by looking at functions.php I have been able to use some variables and the following HTML to replace $navbar in Forumdisplay.
<img src="{ imagesfolder}/vb_bullet.gif" border="0" align="middle" alt="$bbtitle ? Tell someone who cares!">
<a href="index.php?s=$session[sessionhash]">$bbtitle</a> ?
<a href="forums.php?s=$session[sessionhash]">Forums</a> >
This works alright [example here (http://www.dragonninja.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?forumid=2)], except for the fact that it only shows Cat B - [i.e. the highest sub-category - shown in this link (http://www.dragonninja.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?forumid=3), a sub-forum of the first link]. I am unable to use the same approach for Showthread, or at least, make the Cat A, Cat B e.t.c. a hyperlink, because I don't think there is a variable that will determine the ID of the forum the thread is in, in order to create a hyperlink.
Does anyone have any ideas on this, or know of a thread that can tell me how [I've looked, but couldn't find any].
Thanks to everyone in advance.
I've moved all of my forum files to the root of my server and re-named index.php to forums.php - because I have MyVbIndex installed. As a result, the Navbar displays the following format in Showthread and Forumdisplay.
BBTitle* > Cat A > Cat B > Thread
*This obviously then links to the MyVbIndex page [index.php].
What I am trying to do is change this to the following format...
SiteTitle > Forums > Cat A > Cat B > Thread
...only on the Showthread and Forumdisplay - the way this is for every other page works fine.
So far, by looking at functions.php I have been able to use some variables and the following HTML to replace $navbar in Forumdisplay.
<img src="{ imagesfolder}/vb_bullet.gif" border="0" align="middle" alt="$bbtitle ? Tell someone who cares!">
<a href="index.php?s=$session[sessionhash]">$bbtitle</a> ?
<a href="forums.php?s=$session[sessionhash]">Forums</a> >
This works alright [example here (http://www.dragonninja.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?forumid=2)], except for the fact that it only shows Cat B - [i.e. the highest sub-category - shown in this link (http://www.dragonninja.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?forumid=3), a sub-forum of the first link]. I am unable to use the same approach for Showthread, or at least, make the Cat A, Cat B e.t.c. a hyperlink, because I don't think there is a variable that will determine the ID of the forum the thread is in, in order to create a hyperlink.
Does anyone have any ideas on this, or know of a thread that can tell me how [I've looked, but couldn't find any].
Thanks to everyone in advance.