02-18-2003, 09:06 PM
xmms and winamp both have plugins to print the current song and artist to a file. If vB could read this file then it could print what the poster is currently listening to.
of course this would probably be a pain in the toosh but I suppose any hack this good (in mine eyes) is worth atleast requesting.
here is the plugin info for the xmms changer
open (TEMPFILE, "> /tmp/")
or die "Couldn't open the local temporary file!!";
print TEMPFILE "Now Playing: ";
for (@ARGV) {
print TEMPFILE " $_ ";
and here is the file that it works with... (irc plugin of course)
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$start = "true";
IRC::register("Now-Playing", "0.1", "", "");
IRC::add_command_handler( "np", "print_to_channel");
sub print_to_channel
open(INFO, "/tmp/");
@lines = <INFO>;
IRC::command( $lines[0] );
return 1;
here is linkage to the winamp app called nowplaying that does just about the same damn thing.
so can we get a go at it?
xmms and winamp both have plugins to print the current song and artist to a file. If vB could read this file then it could print what the poster is currently listening to.
of course this would probably be a pain in the toosh but I suppose any hack this good (in mine eyes) is worth atleast requesting.
here is the plugin info for the xmms changer
open (TEMPFILE, "> /tmp/")
or die "Couldn't open the local temporary file!!";
print TEMPFILE "Now Playing: ";
for (@ARGV) {
print TEMPFILE " $_ ";
and here is the file that it works with... (irc plugin of course)
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$start = "true";
IRC::register("Now-Playing", "0.1", "", "");
IRC::add_command_handler( "np", "print_to_channel");
sub print_to_channel
open(INFO, "/tmp/");
@lines = <INFO>;
IRC::command( $lines[0] );
return 1;
here is linkage to the winamp app called nowplaying that does just about the same damn thing.
so can we get a go at it?