View Full Version : PHP Code within a template?

11-25-2000, 04:26 AM
Is there a way to write PHP code within a template?

I would like to execute a javascript animiation when a user's postcount is equal to (or is a multiple of) 100 posts.

<? if ($userpostcount==100){
do this;

But it doesn't work. I'm wondering if it's dute to me being green in PHP or if the templates don't allow for coding within. I tested with <? if (1==1) {echo ("hello");}?> and it didn't work.

Is there a way to accomplish this within a template?


11-25-2000, 06:28 AM
You'll have to edit the php files. Just find the place the template is being called, add your code before it, and call the needed variables in the template.

Should work

11-25-2000, 06:59 PM
Hi Menno,

I know it's doable somehow, but I don't think your suggestion will work, since I cannot use php if statements in the templates to check the variables I assigned in the php code.

My initial attempt was to write something like this in a template:

if ($variable==this) {run javascript/animation}

Since this cannot be done (thanks for clarifying this), next I wonder if I can pass those vB variables to the javascript itself. Is there a way of doing that?

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.2>
var jsvar=$vBvar; <-- ??
// -->

11-26-2000, 05:46 AM
if the variables are set in the php code (not the templates itself), this shold work.

Not sure though