View Full Version : Head Administrator CP Addon

02-16-2003, 11:38 PM
A hack I've been thinking about and after talking to some other vbulletin people with all the restriction hacks out on the admin cp. Often there are administrators that you trust but to only some extent. Or you don't want certain admins touching certain part of your admin cp for example the smiley codes. You may be some kind of smiley fanatic. ;)

So anyways what I'm looking for is another file added onto the Administrator Control Panel. Called something like Head Admin Control Center. On the file when you upload it via ftp you can set in it who is like a "Super" admin and can edit other administators access. Then when a normal admin goes to this page he is give that he does not have access to it. But if super admin goes he will see all the Administrators listed. Beside it there rank which would be Administrator or Head Administrator. He can edit that invidually and can manually edit a persons admin ranking. So the ftp file would have to be chmodded to 777. All super admins would have access to everything on the admin cp. But if he clicked a regular admin there would be a long list of checkboxes that he could select. For example for Smileys he could check for a normal admin to be able to Add and check for them to be able to modify smileys as well. And it'd be like this for all the admin cp files.

Another addon to this would be that Normal Admins can't edit Super Administrators so they can't demod them, ect.

Future options would be more invididual stuff inside the admin cp files such as options.php you could edit IP ban Addresses but that'd be all.

This is a complex hack but is a BIG and EXTREMELY useful hack nonethless.

Hopefully this will catch some of the bigger developers here at VB.org and maybe someone will develop this new and exciting idea for the Administrator CP.

02-17-2003, 12:04 AM
This is a good idea, I have a sort of idea on how to make it, but I can't make it as I don't have enough time and this would take quite a bit of work.

02-17-2003, 09:15 AM
wouldn't it be easier to have a look at the lesser admin hack, that does partly what you want, it would be a good starting point

02-17-2003, 01:36 PM
I never cared for 2 admin cp's because there are some admins I want to have access to some things yet not others. And other admins I want to have access to bare minimums.

05-24-2003, 05:44 PM
Well I dunno, I just looked at this and how hard would it be to throw if bbuserid==1 do this else show custom error template - would take a few minutes at most to knock out anything you dont want them to touch.

unfortunantly I am not one that keeps track of what I do so I would be worthless as a hack writer, but I have done this numerous times for numerous reasons, be it to have a regular member be able to access like one admin thing to do some grunt work or just to keep others hands out of the templates or what not.