View Full Version : What did I screw up?

02-14-2003, 10:45 PM
Was adding hacks to a test board and screwed something up.

First, I couldn't log out, so I manually deleted the cookies.

Now when I log in, it does not set the cookie, so ever action I perform, it prompts me to log in again.

This is bad, because now I cannot log in to my Admin CP.

If I enter the login info in the ACP, it simply asks me to log in again.

As of now there are NO cookies on my computer (except for the vb.org one)

Obviously the problem is that the cookie is not being set.

I have re-uploaded all 2.2.9 files and still nothing.

BTW, I think the problem may be that I had changed the cookie domain in the ACP. Is this stored in the DB? If so, where can I alter the record?

02-14-2003, 11:04 PM

I can now manage to login to the ACP, but I can't submit any changes because my session is lost when I click "submit"

02-15-2003, 01:33 AM
Sounds like you incorrectly set the domain for the board. Just a hunch though.


02-15-2003, 02:02 AM

This is making VAN mad.

Now the problem is that my board is not setting the cookie.

All php files are clean, unhacked files.

What gives?

02-15-2003, 02:29 AM
Fixed it!

just in case anyone else sees this thread and has this same issue, I had to run the following SQL query

SELECT * FROM template WHERE title='options'

Locate the appropriate variable in this format:

$varname = 'value';

Change the appropriate setting, then also make the same change to your setting table

This fix was posted by Smachol over at vb.com