View Full Version : Im having a problem understanding it all...

02-13-2003, 02:52 PM
No, not the infinite space of the galaxy.

Here is what I am trying to do. I want to reformat and relayout my forum.

I can't understand what the "RIGHT" way to do this is. Do I create a new Template first? Do I create a new STYLE first? Both?

I want to do this the right way..the first time. I don't want to screw up what I already have doing it.

I can't even figure out what Template set or style set Im using right now!

Under style sets:
UBB 5 Style (I guess a leftover from the old days)

Under Templates:

How can I know which one is currently loaded right now? Which one am I currently using (so I can base my new board look on the old one, rather than start from scratch)

And after I find out what I am using currently, how do I clone it so I can make new changes on it and not lose what I currently am using? Do I start with the Template first OR Style first? Where is the correct starting point?

I know this may seem long winded.. but I really need to understand the correct way to do this. Thanks for any help you can give.

Dean C
02-13-2003, 03:28 PM
To create a new style simple select in the dropdowns when doing so to create a new template set. Name the style and the template set and replacement set will be called the same as the style.

- miSt

02-13-2003, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by Mist
To create a new style simple select in the dropdowns when doing so to create a new template set. Name the style and the template set and replacement set will be called the same as the style.

- miSt

So are you saying I should be FIRST creating a new STYLE set? And will this new STYLE set have the same colors/fonts etc, as the one Im using right now? If not, can I clone my existing set or do I have to re-enter in all the settings I currently use?

And after Im done makin all my changes.. how do I turn "On" this new style? I know these probably seem like simple questions to some, but to me they aint'!

02-13-2003, 06:43 PM
If you want a clone of your existing set you can just download it and re-upload it as another name otherwise the new set you create will be the default vb style set.

Dean C
02-14-2003, 04:01 PM
If you want to keep the colors then select the replacement set when adding a new style :)

To turn on a new style go to properties when modifying the style and click the button which turns it on :)

- miSt