View Full Version : Help! Weird stuff going on tonight on my board!

02-13-2003, 02:12 AM
I came home to some bizarre things this evening:

1. The vBhome page was displaying bizare items. Some was there some was not.

2. The vBstats.php quit showing the forum stats.

3. In the user CP, I am now told that there is a newer version of vbulletin available and gives me the option to download 2.2.9 from this site--odd as this is what I am running!

4. I have since repaired and optimized the tables to no avail.

5. At the bottom of my pages, it shows that the installed version of vbulletin is 2.2.1--instead of 2.2.9. I am scared now as I have no clue where to begin looking for this needle in a very BIG haystack! It was fine before I left work for home and messed up when I got home....

02-13-2003, 04:05 AM

1) Your site has been hacked

2) Your host crashed, and restored an old version of your site.

Possibility (1) is the most likely. Check you logs. Ask your host. Change all your passwords.

02-14-2003, 04:38 PM
I am afraid that I am going to have to agree that I have been likely hacked. I am now faced with fixing the issues at hand.

One possibility that I am contemplating is to upgrade to 2.3.0 in conjunction with straightening this out and I would like to know if this is a viable means to sort out the obvious template version problems that I have encountered in conjunction with the upgrade process.

Thoughts and comments, please?