View Full Version : blizzforums

02-12-2003, 07:25 PM
i've posted the site for graphical commenting before, but now.. i'd like to know what you think we can improve in terms of interface.. hacks.. etc.

the users are aching for some change, and we're running out of ideas.

we also are in need of either a major forum revision (combineing forums, etc) or some hack related to collapsable categories.


Dean C
02-13-2003, 03:38 PM
- This is far too dark
- Your header is cluttered with stroke on pixel fonts
- Ummm white on black does not mix really. It all clashes.
- The blue on/off icons stand out too much
- Your tables are barely visible. I think you should stick a medium darkish grey border round the forumbits
- I'm not too keen on the font you are using

Also if you need a design PM me for a quote...


- miSt

Tony G
02-14-2003, 09:23 AM
-Too dark
-White links hard on the eyes
-Borders needed IMO.
-All one color isn't a good look.
-Images look out of place

Otherwise, the header image is nice. :)