View Full Version : 2 Addons for Change Username From UserCP v2.0

02-10-2003, 10:00 PM
Note: Open the instruction file attached to this post in a text editor.

Addons for PPN's Change username from UserCP v2.0 Hack
Addons copyright N9ne 2003. Created on 11th Feb 2003
Credit to PPN for the Change Username from UserCP Hack
You must have the change username from userCP hack installed
in order to use these addons!

It can be found here:
Files you will need to modify:
Templates to create:
Credit to Xenon for the intval function help for the 'days until
you can edit username' part of the addon.
The Change Username hack should work with 2.2.5+, and these
addons will work with that hack.
First addon:
This will allow admins to bypass the X days time period when
you can't edit your username.

This addon can be customized so supermods can bypass it too.

You can also make it so mods can bypass it.
Second addon:
Right now with the Change username from userCP hack, if
you cannot change your username because you changed it
recently and you must wait out the time space, the field to
change your username doesn't display. People will not know
what's going on, so this addon will tell them that they can't
edit their username at that time, and say how many days
the time gap between changes is set at. It will also tell them
how many days are left until they can change their username.

02-11-2003, 08:50 PM

Dr Shark
02-11-2003, 08:59 PM
Nice addon n9ne, i would probably install this on my test board if i had the main hack installed.lol

02-12-2003, 01:48 AM
I don't quite understand your instructions... Can the admin set when the user can change their username by post count and time period?

02-12-2003, 05:52 AM
That's in the change username from userCP hack. You need to have that installed before you can have these addons. In that hack you can set the number of days you must wait between name changes, and min, post count.

Vivi Ornitier
02-12-2003, 01:28 PM
Great job man!

I have a really nice addon sugestion for this hack. When a person changes their username, their should be a log keeping track of their previous usernames so fellow members don't get confused and ask who they are. Do you think that's possible?

02-12-2003, 02:48 PM
It's already with the original hack, it is in their member profile page.