View Full Version : Ever seen this problem?

02-11-2003, 02:58 PM

I have a problem!
I moved my Board to another webhoster and everything works fine!
Except that all my templates seem to be gone!
In fact there are not cause the board is working fine!

I also tried to install it from the scratch!
Same problem after fresh install!

On my other webspace i tested it again and there it works fine!
The mysql version of my new host is even newer then on my old one!

PHP Version 4.2.1
MySQL 3.23.49a

See the screenshot of the problem!

I only recognised the problem cause on my "Who´s online" there are 14members listed that can´t be online right now cause the new space is not known by any other then me!
They are always shown as online on the board no matter how long i wait and how often i refresh!
Could that be related?

If anyone has a suggestion...



ps: I have hacked my Board much but it is working fine now for over half a year!
I use 2.2.1 (cause I didn´t want to implement all the hacks again!)

02-11-2003, 04:08 PM
wellknown bug with vb < 226 and php42x.

try to edit a user from your acp *gg*

you should upgrade to the newest version to solve all the problems...

btw. do you know i could hack into your vb221 in about 5 minutes?
upgrading is needed!!

02-11-2003, 08:48 PM
Use a file compare program like Beyond Compare or Araxis Merge - and one cannot stress the importance of using the latest version of vB, as every previous version has security loopholes that can be exploited which are published widely on hacker sites.

02-12-2003, 05:18 PM
I have upgradet but have no time to implement all the hacks again!

I think I?ll wait until 3.0 and then hack again ;)

Thx for helping


02-12-2003, 11:59 PM
Make sure you .htaccess you /admin folder if you don't want to get hacked in 20min with a low version like that...

mr e
02-13-2003, 03:33 AM
how did all of you find out how to hack the 221 boards? or is there documentation on the security loopholes?

02-13-2003, 03:52 AM
NOTE: No one should post links to sites on how to hack vB on vB.org.

I won't say where, but they are easily available if you know where to look. This thread is closed.