View Full Version : Request ~ Ban a user from a thread
Here's what the hack could do:
- Only users who have posted in the thread already EXCLUDING the thread starter can be banned from the thread.
- It should work on a threadid system (just giving ideas on how it could be made)
- You should be able to un-ban users from threads.
- You should be able to ban more than one person from a thread.
- in the postbit for every user who has posted in the thread except the thread starter, there is a link "ban from thread" and if the user is already banned from the thread, the link should read "un-ban from thread". If the user is the thread starter, first of all, the first post shouldn't have the ban from thread link, and everytime the userid who started the thread posts in the thread, the ban from thread link doesn't show.
- If a user is banned from a thread, he can still view the thread and everything, but he cannot reply to it.
I think this is a good idea and can stop thread-hi-jackers who just ruin threads. Stopping them from posting in it again is a great way to clean up threads.
Please please please someone take this idea up and make a hack out of it :D.
If you're a daring hacker, there's more you can do though (this is optional stuff):
- AdminCP integration into user's profile: shows threadids and threadtitles of the threads they're banned from.
- Records of who banned who, and when, which thread, why (a give-reason system), which forum.
- Can re-voke bannings from threads in user's profile in adminCP.
- Page in adminCP which lists all threads where a user is banned from and after it in brackets, states the name and userid of the person who is banned from them.
02-11-2003, 06:34 PM
heh i think this would be an excellent idea for a hack, since sometimes on my forums we usually have problems with arguments on certain political subjects
02-11-2003, 06:41 PM
hmm, looks like a really intresting idea truely...
as it should be dynamically, you have to save it into the db.
i'd suggest to create a new field in the threadtable and save the banned userids there... (like the buddylist is saved..)
the unban feature can be one extra page, or always displayed for the mods when viewing a thread...
i'd do it if i'd have more time, but unfortunately i don't have enough for my todolist..
i hope at least the tips could help :)
I'll try to make this on the weekend Xenon, but I think it's a little too advanced for my amateur skills in PHP. I'm guessing this is going to add 2 queries to showthread?
It would probably only add one query to newreply.php.
02-12-2003, 09:58 AM
I should be able to do something like this sometime fairly soon as we need something like this for one of our forums and I'm thinking that I can probably do it without adding any extra queries on a normal page view.
Originally posted by Dan_UPC
I should be able to do something like this sometime fairly soon as we need something like this for one of our forums and I'm thinking that I can probably do it without adding any extra queries on a normal page view.
So should I attempt this or are you going to?
02-12-2003, 04:36 PM
it could be done without a single extraquery yes :)
if it's saved in the threadtable it is catched from the db always when showthread is called.
then normal php functions can do the rest.....
@Dan: i'm intrested in your way of doing it exactly :)
it's surely a nice feature.....
02-12-2003, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by N9ne
So should I attempt this or are you going to?
I'll do it if you are willing to wait a fortnight.
Ok, i'll leave it to you then :).
02-13-2003, 07:38 PM
I like the idea of this, I saw it was posted as a request for VB3 over at :)
02-14-2003, 12:01 PM
This would be great. :)
Chris M
02-15-2003, 12:52 PM
This sounds like a cool idea - I could probably do it if Dan doesn't...
If Dan is going to though, a suggestion - Perhaps, if they try and reply to the thread, there is an error message, stating that they cannot post in this thread because they are banned from replying, and the reason that the mod/admin gave for banning them from that thread;)
02-15-2003, 09:48 PM
Very nice idea, I'll be keeping an eye on the development of this hack... Would be perfect for my forums where political/religious discussions tend to turn into abusive (even racist) arguments. :(
Looks like people love my idea :D. Whoever makes it, big respect to you, because this truly is a complicated hack (well from the amount I requested anyway!).
02-18-2003, 08:54 AM
I suggest creating a table with these fields:
recordid - threadid - userid
Then you can write into this table whenever admin ban a user or check userid&threadid in the table in showthread.php. Similiar system used for thread ratings..
But don't look at me, I was not even suppose to linger here and give suggestions.. I must be working :)
02-18-2003, 10:04 AM
hmm, yes that's another method, but from what i can see it will produce an extra query in showthread.php then.
my suggestion wouldn't
on the other side your suggestion uses less db space than my way with a mediumtextfield...
02-18-2003, 12:55 PM
Just a quick reply to let you all know that i've not forgotten about this. I'll have this done within the next 10 days.
Your 10 days are up :p. j/k..
What's the latest?
03-04-2003, 10:15 PM
Sorry that I never got back to this thread. Thanks for the reminder. I got really busy with my board and had to put this on hold. I started work on this again a couple days ago and I've done probably about 25% of the hack since the beginning of the week. I'll try to get this done by the end of the week. Please remind me if you dont hear from me by then. This is actually quite a big hack.
I understand it's a big hack :). It's quite the hack too though ;). Anyway, ok I'll set an alarm clock on this thread for you then :p
Here you go. It includes all the main features, not the "extra" ones. I'll release it under Beta Hacks once I get some feedback from others.
Screenshots are in the .zip file.
If anyone can provide a couple images for the hack, that would be nice. (ban, unban, thread starter)
03-07-2003, 02:07 AM
My version is far more comprehensive than that and the queries / table structures are more optimized.
Originally posted by Dan_UPC
My version is far more comprehensive than that and the queries / table structures are more optimized. The single query it adds to newreply.php for regular users can't be optimized much more. The table structure is small and there are indexes on the threadid and userid columns to make that query run quickly.
03-07-2003, 01:41 PM
I'll have my hack done this weekend so you can see how I've done it then.
03-07-2003, 01:48 PM
Now with the one released can they ban the admins/mods ?
03-07-2003, 01:49 PM
no they cant.
03-07-2003, 01:53 PM
cool I may install this once I get my forums promoted.
It would be nice for both hacks to be released. :). There's enough room for loads of hacks.
05-04-2003, 08:28 PM
i would love to see this released...yessh....i would..!!!
06-07-2003, 02:24 AM
*bummmmp*....anyone? at all? i've attempted to try this....but i just suck too much....anyone at all willing to try this????
06-07-2003, 02:44 AM
Have you looked at :
06-07-2003, 04:44 AM
hehe, i was using the password protect forum for guidance...but thread ban is working actually getting some where....buuuut now im having the same error I did with thread banning....the page is blank in the admin cp.....and shaolyen is never on :(
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