02-07-2003, 10:00 PM
Display Order for User Groups
Who's on top at your forums?
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= C -= R -= E -= D -= I -= T -= S -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Author: afterlab
Created: February 7, 2003
Suggested By: AVF281 [FFR Member]
So what's this suppose to do? Nothing too great. Just a small addition to the showgroups.php page. User Groups can now be determined by their display order and appear as so on the showgroups page. This is essential if you have a forum in which you created a custom usergroup that has higher authorities than an Super Moderator, yet has less than the power of an administrator (as was the proportion in my case). Anyways, let's hook this hack up in your system!
Screenshots: 101.gif (
Who's on top at your forums?
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= C -= R -= E -= D -= I -= T -= S -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Author: afterlab
Created: February 7, 2003
Suggested By: AVF281 [FFR Member]
So what's this suppose to do? Nothing too great. Just a small addition to the showgroups.php page. User Groups can now be determined by their display order and appear as so on the showgroups page. This is essential if you have a forum in which you created a custom usergroup that has higher authorities than an Super Moderator, yet has less than the power of an administrator (as was the proportion in my case). Anyways, let's hook this hack up in your system!
Screenshots: 101.gif (