View Full Version : vBHelp Desk

02-02-2003, 10:00 PM
This si a help desk program created to be integrated with your vbulletin. It allows people to make tickets, and tickets create new threads that are specialy decorated with a status box, that contains the status of the ticket. There are admin features to allow custimization of the words used for open, Resolved, and even the catagories and priorities too. you can close tickets from the post for it as well as reopen them, also you can do it from the admin panel as well.

When doing permissions remove the permission that says "Can Search" from non staff usergroups for the helpdesk forum.

the help desk home page:

The new ticket page:

Thread with admin options in status bar:

the Zip

vbhelpdesk v1.2 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachment.php?s=&postid=358226)

02-03-2003, 07:25 AM
sounds cool, i will install it after i see the screen shots. nice job

02-03-2003, 07:31 AM
the main help desk page

02-03-2003, 07:34 AM
the new ticket page

02-03-2003, 07:35 AM
This I want, and will be installing. Thanks Zaj ;)

02-03-2003, 07:37 AM
here is the thread created by it.
it includes the status bar, and the options to the right side of it are the admin options, if non admin it just has the link to the help desk home page.

02-03-2003, 07:50 AM
is there any way we can see a working demo of this please? :)

and also is it possible for it to generate an email with the ticket contents and status?

02-03-2003, 07:54 AM
i could make it generate an email, possibly for a future release.

for a working demo goto http://tfogame.com/helpdesk.php

for oyu to be able to see your ticket you must register before submitting a ticket.

02-03-2003, 08:04 AM
looks cool zajako :)

i've downloaded the zip and will probably install the hack later on this evening. I'll let you know how it goes :)

02-03-2003, 08:05 AM
hmm, i dont know if this is a bug or not, but when you search for posts by the user, the ticket posts get listed as well.

02-03-2003, 08:08 AM
only for admins. It uses the vbulletin's default permissions. So it should only allow those permitted to view it.

02-03-2003, 08:14 AM
Hmm, I can see the post but not access it when i searched for posts by you on your forum, I'll post an attachment.

02-03-2003, 08:27 AM
i found the problem for that. i had the ability to search on, for the permissions.

Be sure to remove that ability and i will note that in the first thread.

02-03-2003, 09:06 AM
nice hack *installs*

02-03-2003, 09:16 AM
Looks promising!! :)

02-03-2003, 09:23 AM
]the idea is great! SourceForge + CVS forever! O.o ;)

02-03-2003, 01:28 PM
found a few bugs in the install file.

one of which prevents setting the forum id for the forum and the other was just letting you know how to make the templates

these are fixed

Dean C
02-03-2003, 02:37 PM
Wow i've been waiting for a hack like this for SO long :p

Thanks buddy.

However are all your templates free of font tags because i see that horrible times new roman tag ;)?


- miSt

02-03-2003, 02:59 PM
Thanks for this hack. It looks like a good idea!

02-03-2003, 08:18 PM
I am havingf a problem or this is me on the open tickets I see nothing >.> when I opened one. Same with the acp and closed tickets.

Edit: Never mind fixed. But on the acp I cant see the tickets all I get is a white page.

02-04-2003, 02:47 AM
Do only admins see this or does everyone see the tickets? The idea of ticket systems is to only alow certin people see it and not the entire public..

02-04-2003, 08:59 AM
I am having this problem also.

Originally posted by gohanssj2
I am havingf a problem or this is me on the open tickets I see nothing >.> when I opened one. Same with the acp and closed tickets.

Edit: Never mind fixed. But on the acp I cant see the tickets all I get is a white page.

02-04-2003, 06:49 PM
bspiller only the person who created the ticket and the staff can see the tickets.

gohanssj and mcyates, im not sure what the problems is, could you post a screen shot for me?

02-05-2003, 04:17 AM
This is a neat idea.
I'll test this out, thanks! :)

02-05-2003, 06:30 AM
The problem also is. This:


That link above is to one of the posts made via:

But when i got to http://www.myfootballforum.com/discussion/helpdesk.php its not in the open list? Only test ones which I put in, can be seen. Also the open list and the closed list in the admin cp just show a blank grey screen.

02-05-2003, 06:34 AM
Will this SQL have anything to do with it:

INSERT INTO setting VALUES (NULL,86,'Help Desk Forum','helpforum','72','The forum id for your help desk.','','1')

My help forum (support forum is) ID is 87 should I insert the support forum's id (87) into the sctring above?

02-05-2003, 06:46 AM
Open List | Closed List Don't Work

When i post a new ticket it goes into the open list on the site. But when someone else posts a new ticked it doesn't show.

02-05-2003, 06:53 AM
PLEASE NOTE, you will not be able to view these files as you will need the admins username and password

This shows the open tickes

But this one in the admin panel does not:


The difference is the last part of the string/url


tickes&action2=open&s= (this one is being used in admin panel

How can I change the string

02-05-2003, 06:56 AM
I'ver change the string in the admin panel. Just changed the tickets&action........ to ticket&action

And it now works. But the new tickes from the other members do not show on the helpdesk.php????? It says There are no current Tickets in this grouping. But there are open ticked shown in the admin panel.

02-05-2003, 07:06 AM
ALSO (sorry about this)

In your adminhelpdesk.php

Find this:
<td><div align=\"center\"><a href=\"../showtthread.php?s=&threadid=$lists[threadid]\"

This should be:

<td><div align=\"center\"><a href=\"../showthread.php?s=&threadid=$lists[threadid]\"

(I just changed showtthread.php to showthread.php)

And Also in adminhelpdesk.php Further down:

<td><div align=\"center\"><a href=\"../showtthread.php?s=threadid=$lists[threadid]\"

Change showtthread.php to showthread.php (Only 1 t)

02-05-2003, 11:08 AM

This hack looks good but I have a question.

I want to set up a user group for each of my customers. Each user group has its own set of private forums.

I would like each user group to be able to creat a ticket only in their forums and not in a public area or someone elses forum.

This was each customer can only see the tisckets relating to them.

Another question.

I would like to be able to allocate one OR more support people to each ticket to make them responsible for the life of that ticket.

And then of course to be able to view by support person the tickets assigned to them and their status.

And then to report by tickets by customer and support person by status too.

Of course it may be easier to pull a report from the database but howfar will your hack go?

Do you want to take it as far as I've listed and how much do I need to pay you to get it this far?

Sorry but I dont have time to beat about the bush here.



02-06-2003, 01:38 AM

02-06-2003, 12:51 PM
In the instructions it says to:

goto the option page and find the help desk settings section
now type the number we called x earlier in this box and hit submit.

I dont see any place to set this? I looked in Vbulliten Options and I looked on the left menu I dont see any help desk setting section. Can someone help me with this. I running version 1.1

02-06-2003, 01:19 PM
for some reason the last two lines of the sql query were wrong

02-06-2003, 02:46 PM

Thanks for the hack, I haven't tryed it yet but it may be just what I need with a few little enhancements to manage some of my headaches at vbportal.com, I'll let you know how it goes.

02-06-2003, 06:40 PM
Have the hardcoded font tags been fixed? Are there hardcoded colours in this hack? Have you made full use of vBs replacement feature?

02-07-2003, 12:52 AM
found a error in the instructions:



Add Below:
makenavoption("Open List","adminhelpdesk.php?action=tickets&action2=open","|");
makenavoption("Closed List","adminhelpdesk.php?action=tickets&action2=closed");
makenavselect("Help Desk Tickets'");
makenavselect("Help Desk Catagories");
makenavselect("Help Desk Status'");
makenavselect("Help Desk Priorities'");

first 2 lines should be:

makenavoption("Open List","adminhelpdesk.php?action=ticket&action2=open","|");
makenavoption("Closed List","adminhelpdesk.php?action=ticket&action2=closed");


makenavoption("Open List","adminhelpdesk.php?action=tickets&action2=open","|");
makenavoption("Closed List","adminhelpdesk.php?action=tickets&action2=closed");

ticket(S) is causing a wrong read error. S needs to be removed.

02-07-2003, 01:00 AM
also, in the helpdesk template:

<a href="helpdesk.php">HelpDesk Main</a> | <a href="newticket.php">New Ticket</a> | <a href="http://www.tfogame.com/main/member.php?&action=logout">Log Out</a>

http://www.tfogame.com/main/ needs to be erased for users to logout from that page.

lalo landa
02-12-2003, 04:58 AM
ALSO In your adminhelpdesk.php

<td><div align=\"center\"><a href=\"../members.php?action=

<td><div align=\"center\"><a href=\"../member.php?action=

02-12-2003, 03:45 PM
Is there any way to do email to ticket in this hack. If so it would be a GREAT system then.

02-12-2003, 05:24 PM
I have 4 moderators and 4 admins

Whenever anyone posts a ticket the only ticket that can be seen is the ones you yourself post. I can not see tickets that any of my other admins are posting and they can not see mine. Is this working right? Is there a way for us all to see eachothers tickets?

lalo landa
02-15-2003, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by vortech
Is there any way to do email to ticket in this hack. If so it would be a GREAT system then.

That will be grate....
When i close the ticket the system send to the ticket author a new pm (advice).

Can anyone do that?

02-15-2003, 09:31 PM
zajako is unable to post here, however you can get ahold of him on aim: Zajako2

02-15-2003, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by rrnolan
I have 4 moderators and 4 admins

Whenever anyone posts a ticket the only ticket that can be seen is the ones you yourself post. I can not see tickets that any of my other admins are posting and they can not see mine. Is this working right? Is there a way for us all to see eachothers tickets?

Anyone know the answer to this?

02-16-2003, 01:03 AM
Originally posted by kalin_AR

This hack looks good but I have a question.

I want to set up a user group for each of my customers. Each user group has its own set of private forums.

I would like each user group to be able to creat a ticket only in their forums and not in a public area or someone elses forum.

This was each customer can only see the tisckets relating to them.

Another question.

I would like to be able to allocate one OR more support people to each ticket to make them responsible for the life of that ticket.

And then of course to be able to view by support person the tickets assigned to them and their status.

And then to report by tickets by customer and support person by status too.

Of course it may be easier to pull a report from the database but howfar will your hack go?

Do you want to take it as far as I've listed and how much do I need to pay you to get it this far?

Sorry but I dont have time to beat about the bush here.



I want something like this for my customers, so only the customers can see the ticket forum and create tickets. Another usergroup needs to be created such as Customer or Premium Member and then only them are allowed to see the tickets, post, edit them.

Another question:
How can I make it so, there is a list of all tickets, created by whomever, and it displays their information. and when a ticket is resolved, we pick resolved from the drop down menu, and when the tickets list is displayed, it shows [resolved] beside the title or [fixed] or something like that. This should be seeable by all customers or premium members.

Is it possible to do this??


02-16-2003, 01:07 AM
I own a hosting company, i was wondering if you can make it so, that when a customer posts a ticket, they are asked to enter their site URL, such as sub.domain.com or www.domain.com
so its much easier for us to look into the ticket..

02-16-2003, 02:41 AM
Its decent, Ive made a better one for 2.1x

02-16-2003, 12:53 PM
Also, is this compatible with 2.3.0?

02-16-2003, 01:25 PM
I get this error when I try to make a Ticket..

Database error in vBulletin 2.3.0:

Invalid SQL: SELECT DISTINCT user.email FROM moderator,user WHERE moderator.userid=user.userid AND forumid IN () AND (newthreademail=1 OR newpostemail=1)
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ') AND (newthreademail=1 OR newpostemail=1)' at line 1

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Sunday 16th of February 2003 07:16:27 PM
Script: http://www.solo-tech.net/forums/forums/newticket.php?action=donewticket
Referer: http://www.solo-tech.net/forums/newticket.php

02-16-2003, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by AViO 07
Also, is this compatible with 2.3.0?

I have it running on 2.3.0 had no probs at all so nice hack beats trying to install pdesk again that you NOW have to buy.

02-16-2003, 02:25 PM
Can you give me uninstall intructions, I am getting all kinds of weird errors..

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 49 bytes) in /home/virtual/site1/fst/var/www/html/forums/admin/functions.php on line 442

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 11 bytes) in Unknown on line 0

02-16-2003, 03:46 PM
just do the install ones backwards.

02-16-2003, 04:28 PM
nvm, i uninstalled it..

02-17-2003, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by rrnolan
I have 4 moderators and 4 admins

Whenever anyone posts a ticket the only ticket that can be seen is the ones you yourself post. I can not see tickets that any of my other admins are posting and they can not see mine. Is this working right? Is there a way for us all to see eachothers tickets?

bump... can anyone help with this?

02-20-2003, 02:22 PM
Even if I have the usergroup 'Unregistered' set so they shouldn't even be able to view the helpdesk, they can still access the main helpdesk page and even post a ticket. Is there a way to limit who can view the helpdesk and post a ticket to only certain groups?

02-25-2003, 12:38 PM
rrnlolan give admins the ability to see them. in the instructions it says stet the permissions for all non admins.

AVIO 07 those errors are related to something else you did, cause i saw no signs of my hack in the sql error.

C.Birch glad you like it ^^\

eric1776, the unreged users should be able to post tickets, just should not be able to view them. if you have it set so that they can't view it permissions wise then they can only make new tickets. this is so people that are blocked outta the site cna let someone know. if you don't whant them to be able to in the begginging of the helpdesk.php and newticket.php add

if ($bbuserinfo[userid]==0){

also here is a file correcting all the previously mentioned errors, sorry bout those.

03-14-2003, 12:54 AM
is there billing available?

03-14-2003, 12:55 AM

03-25-2003, 12:36 AM

03-25-2003, 12:57 AM
and in helpdesk and helpdesk_newticket templates, you might wanna remove the Always Web Hosting Header that is in there.

03-25-2003, 01:20 AM

how do i make it where only registered users can create a ticket?

03-27-2003, 06:14 PM
Thank you Zajako!

03-27-2003, 08:21 PM
I do not get any tickets up (solved or open) on Main help desk (helpdesk.php), but do see them on the forumdisplay.php
(I am Admin.... and has yes on everything on permissions)

EDIT: I restarted the computer and everything worked ok!

03-28-2003, 02:28 PM
Yesterday at 10:21 PM bandersen said this in Post #63 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?postid=374214#post374214)
I do not get any tickets up (solved or open) on Main help desk (helpdesk.php), but do see them on the forumdisplay.php
(I am Admin.... and has yes on everything on permissions)

EDIT: I restarted the computer and everything worked ok!

i have the same Problem.
after restart its the same.

what can i do ?

04-01-2003, 06:55 PM
I have set unreg users permission to NO for "view forum" and "view others thread". Still I am able to see other unreg. users threads....and I am able to read them as soon as I log in as "anyone".
I have set permissions to NO for "post new thread"... and I am still able to post. I have restarted the computer without any changes.

Anyone else get this?

04-02-2003, 03:12 PM
created time not same as original post time, any way to fix it? thx

04-03-2003, 07:33 AM
kew hack - have to try this out.!

04-17-2003, 10:19 AM
it's buggy but the idea is great

04-17-2003, 11:35 AM
If I enter that code (ending it with } though) I get this:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: shownopermissions() in forums/helpdesk.php on line 12

Anyone know how to fix it? thank you!

[QUOTE]02-25-03 at 03:38 PM zajako said this in Post #56 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?postid=358226#post358226)

eric1776, the unreged users should be able to post tickets, just should not be able to view them. if you have it set so that they can't view it permissions wise then they can only make new tickets. this is so people that are blocked outta the site cna let someone know. if you don't whant them to be able to in the begginging of the helpdesk.php and newticket.php add

if ($bbuserinfo[userid]==0){

04-18-2003, 01:30 PM
AVIO 07 those errors are related to something else you did, cause i saw no signs of my hack in the sql error.

m8 i get the same sql error as avio and the error is in a query in the newticket.php if its something i've done i dont know what all i've got on is the vbhome light hack :(

05-05-2003, 05:38 PM
I wish the email feature was there - can someone code it please please?

05-09-2003, 12:43 AM
I'm going to code my own helpdesk or integrate one into vBulletin.

05-18-2003, 06:23 AM
you might try gettin ahold of zajako on aim at zajako2 ill point this thread out to him asap :D

07-01-2003, 01:53 PM
05-09-03 at 02:43 AM AViO 07 said this in Post #72 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?postid=393120#post393120)
I'm going to code my own helpdesk or integrate one into vBulletin.

ok but quick! :D


07-15-2003, 07:11 AM
thanks very much
/me hits install

Cal Poly Forum
08-26-2003, 07:29 AM
Compatible with version 2.3.2?

09-06-2003, 01:06 AM
Nice hack (my first complex install).

I seem to be all done except for setting my forum ID. I can find where I am supposed to make the setting (vboptions), and the description is there but where I should be able to specify the forum ID there is only '' and no ablilty to select or enter a value for the forum. I am running vB 2.3.0

Here is a ss of it. Thanks for any help you can offer.

09-15-2003, 01:27 AM
I want this hack but it says invalid attacment specified.:(

Rein Masamuri
09-23-2003, 07:28 AM
Wolverine, I had the same problem
its in the vBulletin Options... make sure that you executed the vBulletin query that adds the option.

09-23-2003, 02:17 PM
Thanks for the reply.
I got to messin with this the other day. I started playing around with the last field in the setting table ( INSERT INTO setting VALUES (NULL,86,'Help Desk Forum','helpforum','0','The forum id for your help desk.','','1') )

For some reason it didnt like the lastd field value. I got to looking at what was in similar fields till I found one that worked. Textfield did the trick though I dont like it as I know its not what was intended by the author.

If I was barking up the wrong tree feel free to redirect me :)

10-21-2003, 08:52 PM
Sorry if this has been said, but how can..........

the category name be removed in the breadcrumb like...

plugspark > categoryname > helpdeskpost

i don't want people clicking the category name because it'll show them every helpdesk post. But i only want this for the helpdesk, not any other categories or posts or n e thing... HELP!

Rein Masamuri
10-21-2003, 10:47 PM
If you set up the permissions correctly they won't be able to see any threads they did not make.

02-24-2004, 07:51 PM
Works with 2.3.2. Excellent modification!

02-24-2004, 07:54 PM
Minor bug. In both newticket.php and helpdesk.php change:

if ($bbuserinfo == "0")


if ($bbuserinfo[userid] == "0")

04-09-2004, 05:55 PM
Will this be coded for VB 3 Gold?? :rolleyes:

04-11-2004, 12:34 PM
I don't believe so, no. Considering that zajako has worked primarily in vB 2, I don't see why he'd want to port this to vB3.

04-24-2004, 12:19 PM
I don't believe so, no. Considering that zajako has worked primarily in vB 2, I don't see why he'd want to port this to vB3.
Well if you ask me and you didn't lol
That's a real shame :(

So many brilliant hacks for vb2 that are not being updated to vb3
I guess that if people want them, they will have to go backwards instead of forwards :(

Real Crying Shame!!!!!

06-17-2004, 08:47 AM
... what would happen if I tried to install this using vB3.0.1 - would it fail?

07-14-2004, 09:00 PM
This si a help desk program created to be integrated with your vbulletin. It allows people to make tickets, and tickets create new threads that are specialy decorated with a status box, that contains the status of the ticket. There are admin features to allow custimization of the words used for open, Resolved, and even the catagories and priorities too. you can close tickets from the post for it as well as reopen them, also you can do it from the admin panel as well.

When doing permissions remove the permission that says "Can Search" from non staff usergroups for the helpdesk forum.

the help desk home page:

The new ticket page:

Thread with admin options in status bar:

the Zip

vbhelpdesk v1.2 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?s=&postid=358226)


07-14-2004, 09:05 PM
... on which vB version?

07-14-2004, 10:06 PM
... on which vB version?

vb 3.0

08-27-2004, 03:23 AM
This hack is only intended for vB2. Trying to install it with vB3 will lead to certain disaster, as you're looking at completely different interfaces.

09-04-2004, 01:26 AM
IS this hack gon be converted for Vb 3???

09-09-2004, 08:49 PM

11-05-2004, 09:39 AM

11-21-2004, 01:37 AM
yep is it going to be converted for vb3 as it looks like a good hack


11-30-2004, 03:07 PM
Any info on the vb3 release??

11-30-2004, 03:14 PM
Any info on the vb3 release??
Don't think Zaj's has any plans for it

12-01-2004, 06:09 AM
Don't think Zaj's has any plans for it
Porting it over probably would not be that hard, just have to find someone to take on the project and ask Zaj's permission to release it here. While the structure of the hack may be a bit different, if you know the vB system well enough, converting the coding over would not be that large of a task I would not think.

01-13-2005, 09:24 AM
please someone take it over 3.0.x pretty please :nervous:

03-01-2005, 05:30 AM
I just wanted to let anyone know if they are interested in this for vb 3.x I have released mine here:

03-01-2005, 11:45 AM
I just wanted to let anyone know if they are interested in this for vb 3.x I have released mine here:

Finally thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!