View Full Version : I need a hack please

11-23-2000, 04:43 AM
I post a lot of evaluations for trades. I would like a code which asks someone who is registering to put in a link to their heatware evaluation page much like they would put a link to their home page. Then in their posts, there would be an icon which takes them to the page with their heatware link.

For example. My heatware evaluations are located at:


I would like vbulletin to allow me to include this link when I register. Then have it show a link with my own icon that takes others to the link above so that they can see my heatware evaluations. Thanks. I will pay for the work.

[Edited by pidge on 11-23-2000 at 02:06 PM]

11-23-2000, 05:45 PM
Since this is a very specific hack, chances are you'll have to do it yourself. No big deal though, I added something similar to store starting/current/goal weight for my members.

1. Create a new filed for the link in your user table (mySQL)

2. Edit member.php see how they treat the home page link, and do the same for your additional link.

3. Edit the templates for edit profile, modify profile, get info, and post to include those links.

If you haven't hacked your forum before, make sure you backup everything before attempting to do this.

11-23-2000, 06:09 PM
Thanks. I have been doing that and am almost done with the modification. I just never did it to the forum so I would have rather had someone do it who had experience.

11-23-2000, 09:38 PM
I've done a couple modifications and will do it for free. I run a hosting and design company and can even test if on my servers if you don't want to give me access to yours. Goto hostgateway.com and click live chat to live chat with me or icq me at : 64081817 or aol/aim me at: NovanixCorp or email me at usCEO@novanix.com