View Full Version : Voice messages

11-22-2000, 05:35 PM
I need to know if anyone has done this. I did a search buy couldn't find any matches so I guess maybe it hasn't been done.

I'd like to add voice message posting to my board and I'd like some help with a hack like this.

Please reply here ok.... thanks in advance.

11-22-2000, 08:03 PM
Are you talking about a voice chat (instant) hack, or a hack that would let people record a message taht you can play back anytime. Eg, a .wav file?

If you're thinking about the later, that could be a BIG STRAIN on your servers hard disks as sound files re quite big, and if you get a fair amount of posts......you see what i mean!

11-23-2000, 11:11 AM
Yes I do refer to the later and I have a dedicated server to run that. Right now I have members requesting it and one has even offered to serve up the wav files.