View Full Version : Pre-Sales Hack Question

01-27-2003, 09:33 PM
Before I purchase, I need to know the following:

Is there a hack for vBulletin that allows me to link to a particular topic automatically from each page of my site? If a topic for that page doesn't exist, one is automatically created. For example:


Notice near the bottom of this page, it says "Discuss this Article" or "Read all Comments." This is exactly what I want. I want to be able to have a "Discuss this Page" link on every single page of my site that links to a forum topic for that particular page. If the page doesn't exist, it should bring you to a "Post New Thread" page with the subject already filled in of the name of the article.

I do not want a hack that alrters the vBulletin coding whatsoever, but rather, an add-on.

01-28-2003, 04:22 PM
yes it's possible and not to hard afaik.

but currently i don't know if there is already one around..