View Full Version : File Attachments

01-27-2003, 10:56 AM
I have already had a reply from VB sales that remote [via FTP] storage of files is not supported by VB as shipped. Is there any hacks that allow this functionality?

My needs are simple, I need to store file attachments as files, on my own [local] ftp server as I cannot store file attachments directly on the web server [hosted].

This reasons are many, but the simplest is the spiraling costs of hosting as the attachments grow in size. [50 user attach 1 x 10mB files, you get the picture].

With remote FTP storage I can also allow special users a special account to download directly, rather than via forum.

Thanks in advance for any information.

All Best


01-27-2003, 11:43 AM
I believe that is possible.

There is already a hack available that lets you store attachments as files rather than in the database.


01-27-2003, 02:56 PM
Thanks Erwin, i found the hack earlier, I will investigate further.

The small description I found, only said it store files locally as files, instead of in database. It did not metion the ability to transfer/store/retreive from remote FTP.



01-27-2003, 03:01 PM
I tried to download it to see if there is any other info but I cannot access the page as I ma not VB registered user yet. Oh, well.

Perhaps if the author, or someone who has the mod installed, has some time, he can respond and let me know if remote storage is supported.

A this is a pre-sales question, I cannot get more by myself from the other forum areas.

Again, many thanks
