View Full Version : Menu Request - Flash/Mouseover

01-24-2003, 06:40 PM
I would like to update the menu on my website to offer a bit of creativity. Problem is - I lack such creativity (and necessary graphical skills).

The website is for a private golf and country club, so the menu/graphics need to fit such profile. I've attached a screenshot of the current menu which is html. The entire menu is a template inside of vB coded as I said in html.

Again, I'm looking for something slightly fancier to fit in the same spot. Whether that consists of a flash menu with whizzes and gadgets - or it consists of some better button images with a "mouseover" effect - I don't care.

Would anyone be interested in helping out with this quest? Please? The site is a private site, so I won't post the url here, but that can all be worked out later.

Please contact me if you're interested in this. I can't offer money at this time, but my unwavering friendship should work. ;) *lmao*

Note about the attachment - the site is growing so the menu items listed herein are subject to change. For a more complete list of links, contact me.

MSN: thecharmedgirl@hotmail.com
AIM: CharmedGirl Rose (I rarely use this, but I will checkin)


Dean C
01-24-2003, 06:52 PM
I think that looks quite nice as it is but i'll ask some of my flash friends to see what they can do :p

- miSt

01-24-2003, 06:55 PM
*hehe* You're a quick one, miSt. ;)

It doesn't necessarily have to be flash. In fact, I suppose I should probably just use mouseovers, but I'm unsuccessful with them in terms of having more than one working. It seems the script(s) I've tried allows only one mouseover and not multiples, but I've not tried a lot with it. The links that look like text is actually an image.... *goes back to drawing board* Actually, in lieu of text, anyone have any good mouseover script(s) or site(s) that might be of help?

Dean C
01-24-2003, 07:00 PM
www.hotscripts.com has a large number of them but i'll still try and get one of my friends to help you out with a flash menu - it will look nice :)

- miSt

01-24-2003, 07:02 PM
:D Thanks!