View Full Version : Reset database?

01-23-2003, 01:59 AM
Ive looked around and cant seem to find anything.

I have a board thats been around for years and over that time its been upgraded from ubb to phpbb to vbb and then several vbb upgrades and I added a portal.

I want to install a fresh copy of vbb and put all my users/posts/ext back into the new vbb. However after all the hacks and edits over the years my database is pretty mangaled. I want to keep everything but remove anything in the database that insnt suposed to be there. I dont want to have 4,000+ members re-register.

Anyone know what I mean?

Thanks in advance,

mr e
01-23-2003, 03:04 AM
in your forums admin's cp, backup the database, then in your site's control panel create a new database and upload your mysql backup

01-23-2003, 03:25 AM
Well i want the actual tables of the database brought back to stock. Over the years new fields have been added in the tables and so on. I want to keep my current data but remove all new fields from tables in the database.

For example some hacks modify a table in the database - i need somthing to remove it and take out all those new fields that have been added over time.

This is hard to explain sorry.

01-23-2003, 09:34 AM
well just manually possible.
download the DB sheme of vb in the membersarea, and then got through the tables with phpmyadmin and delete all unneeded field