View Full Version : Backround pic for my fourm main page

01-19-2003, 07:59 PM
i was wondering how you can place a backround picture on your forums home page. i see that www.zelaron.com/forums did it. just look at there "X79" style. the backround image doesnt move when you scroll down the page. i wanted to do something like that.


Tony G
01-20-2003, 09:43 AM
Thats probably two modifications. One to add it to all the tables and another for the background.

There is a mod for the table one AFAIK, somebody else can help you with that.

For the outside table on go to your style settings - body tag.

Add a background="" tag there and put the URL there to the background image.

Dean C
01-20-2003, 03:47 PM
background="whatever.gif" in the <body> tag will do it :)

- miSt

01-20-2003, 04:59 PM
Thanks i'll try


01-20-2003, 05:05 PM
Ok, but will that keep the background image static? We don't want the BG image to scroll when you scroll down the page. Also, is there a hack to make all the Forum categories and backgrounds transparent?

Dean C
01-20-2003, 05:57 PM
No it won't keep it static...

To make your forum categories transparent go into your forumhome_level1_nopost template and find:

<td bgcolor="{ categorybackcolor}" colspan="6">

Change it to:

<td colspan="6">

Btw ignore the gap between "{" and "categorybackcolor"


- miSt

01-20-2003, 06:28 PM
That will make my sub forums cat transparent?

Dean C
01-20-2003, 06:40 PM
I'm confused what page do you want the categories to be transparent?

- miSt

01-20-2003, 06:50 PM
Here i'll make it eaiser on you man :knockedout:

Click here (http://www.iownjoo.com/imghost/test.gif)

01-20-2003, 06:56 PM
I think Nemesis means the forum home page, and the background behind the forum name and description. Also, that'll just make the forum name background completely transparent, right? I guess we should of specified a little more, we want them just a little transparent. Is there a way to adjust opacity? An do you know of a way to make the BG image static? :D

- Shpook

01-20-2003, 07:02 PM
its done here http://www.zelaron.com/forums/index.php?styleid=73 just change to the x79 style on the main page backround. His cats are a little transparent, and the backround image doesnt move.

that link should have the style already selected. :D (i hope)

ok i figured out how to make the backround image still, but now how to make the cats just alittle tranparent, like shpook was asking

01-20-2003, 07:17 PM
Ok, well, we got the static BG image. I feel sort of dumb for not knowing it. :cry:

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" background="images/image.gif" bgproperties="fixed">

Still wondering about the opacity though.... :D

01-23-2003, 03:23 PM
Now, that's tight how they got the images in each category.

01-23-2003, 04:16 PM
I'll tell you how we do it, but be forewarned that it is a HUGE client CPU hog.

What you do, is in your forum list table tag, you need to add
style="filter:alpha(opacity=75);"If you already have a style attribute, just append the part in quotes to it.

Again, doing this will half kill a P266 or the like, so it would be good not to use it in your default style.

01-25-2003, 07:24 PM

Create a little 1x1 px file in photoshop.
Set this oppactity @ 50% or something.
Make sure for a transparant background.

Now upload your file, and after that do the step Mist said:

<td bgcolor="{ categorybackcolor}" colspan="6">

replace with:
<td bgcolor="{ imagesfolder}/catbg.gif" colspan="6">

So filename must be catbg.gif in this case.
GL (not sure if it works)

01-25-2003, 07:26 PM
BTW the oppactity will only work when you have got a background WITH shaps and different colors!!

If it's 1 color it wil sta also 1 color!

02-16-2003, 11:54 PM
i didnt get this to work :(

i searched for this along time. so hope someone knows it some better!!!.

bbtw, is it simple to make just like that example foum a tickness in the forumhome rows?

03-01-2003, 09:56 PM
InnerSelf.... i know that name... :)

i am now trying to get this to work, i am having no luck getting a bg image towork :(

03-01-2003, 11:48 PM
i am still having trouble with this - if someone wouldnt mind helping me personally, i am willing to giv them axx to my admin cp to sort this out

please pm or e-mail me @ DAB10788@hotmail.com

thanx in advance people..

till l8rz.DAB.

Dean C
03-02-2003, 10:52 AM
What are the exact problems you are having again DAB and what are you trying to do :)?

- miSt

03-02-2003, 01:40 PM
i am trying to get an image as my background and make everything else transparant.

exactly what has been done here - http://www.zelaron.com/forums/index.php?styleid=73

but with my own style and background

03-07-2003, 05:13 AM
Originally posted by WetWired
I'll tell you how we do it, but be forewarned that it is a HUGE client CPU hog.

What you do, is in your forum list table tag, you need to add
style="filter:alpha(opacity=75);"If you already have a style attribute, just append the part in quotes to it.

Again, doing this will half kill a P266 or the like, so it would be good not to use it in your default style.

I am also having trouble tryin to get this. I see how above here how WW has it done but where is the "forum list table tag"?

03-07-2003, 09:46 AM
Originally posted by :Judge:

I am also having trouble tryin to get this. I see how above here how WW has it done but where is the "forum list table tag"?

Its easy just place the code WW said in any on of your tables in the admin cp. For example if you place that code in your First Alternating Table Background Color table and second Alternating Table Background Color table. Your forum home cats will be transparent. :D Hope this helps. And i would use WW advise when he says not to use it as your deafult style. It does kill the scrolling and loading time like crazy.


03-07-2003, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by []\[]emesis

Its easy just place the code WW said in any on of your tables in the admin cp. For example if you place that code in your First Alternating Table Background Color table and second Alternating Table Background Color table. Your forum home cats will be transparent. :D Hope this helps. And i would use WW advise when he says not to use it as your deafult style. It does kill the scrolling and loading time like crazy.


Maybe a visiual would help me :D I do not know what tables you mean. I am tryin I just do not know what I am looking for and exactly where.

03-11-2003, 03:52 PM
Okay, I didn't specify exactly where because it will depend upon your template set. With a default template set, edit the forumhome template, and add the style to the table tag after the line
<!-- main -->

If you start a new table for each catagory like we do, this will go in a different place which will only exist on your template set ^_^. Basicly add that to any table that you want to make partially transparent.

And I cannot stress enough how much this slows down rendering on the average computer.

03-11-2003, 04:59 PM
If you want to make all your tables transparent use the code style="filter:alpha(opacity=75);"
in a form like:

<table width="100%" cellpading="0" cellspacing="0" style="filter:alpha(opacity=75);">

If you want single rows or columns to have transparent use it like:

<tr valign="top" style="filter:alpha(opacity=75);">


<td align="center" style="filter:alpha(opacity=75);">

Keep in mind that the contents of the table will also reflect the opacity change, in other words the text will also have a transparency.

03-12-2003, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by WetWired
And I cannot stress enough how much this slows down rendering on the average computer.
Yeah he is 110% correct on that, I would also not suggest using it as a default style. Gotta be nice with those with 56k connections and slower computers :p