View Full Version : begginer

Natasa Holy
01-18-2003, 02:42 AM
I was not sure if I get a free forum or to buy vBulletin. Now I have bought it and I am very dissapointed. It seems that I as an non hecker user cannot modify it. Is there an easy template as in phhb forums (which are free!), so I can easily change my forum appearance. And is so hard to get somewhere to get your help.
And when can I expect the version 3, to translate the forum in my language?
And: Is there any way to get my money back?! This program is too hard for me!

01-18-2003, 02:46 AM

I know you may not be the greatest of coder, but here's how I can help you.


that link could help you out with translation

Now, if you want to have a nice- very cool design and excellent coding board, you can hire me and my Dev Team and we can do this work for a small fee.

If this interests you I will contact you and show you some of our works.

let me know,

Dean C
01-18-2003, 08:34 AM
It's not hard but you MUST have some basic knowledge of HTML to be able to modify it's appearence.

Tell me what you need to modify and i'd be happy to try and help you out in this thread :)

Also in future please post template-related question in the right forum ;)


- miSt

Tony G
01-18-2003, 09:57 AM
Or you can use mods. If you have experianced editing files/templates check out the template mods at http://www.vbulletintemplates.com Most there alter the design instead of add features. :)

01-18-2003, 10:48 AM
You can modify the appearance of vB easily using the templates in your Admin CP. It is actually EASIER to do than phpbb.

Also, to add more features, you need to hack the files in phpbb as well, just the same as for vB.