View Full Version : Category/Forum/Thread Sub-Structure..

01-13-2003, 06:27 PM
hello all.. it's been a while since my daize with bbs's..so fergive me if this question be a tard-oversight... ,but i need to know

What happened to the oldskew, infinite potential of multi-threaded sub-forums'n whatnot?

What i mean to say is..where did all this structure come from? Where did the organic potential of the bbs go??

I have searched this, as well as many other boards - and it seems they are all very much the same nowdays. which does me and me ideas no good :(

anyway, if i am overlooking something inate - please enlighten me. if not, and this is something that must be moded or hacked.. how hard do you think it would be to create something like this:

Picture Every post..as if it was a bud, on a stem, on a branch, on a tree. now - every bud has the potential to become a tree. this is discussed with 'replies' [which are also buds] - making this bud a stem. if these new buds [replies] form buds of their own - the stem becomes a branch.

In terms of organizational structure - under each bud you could show the main branches, then stems, then individual buds - in a hierarchael structure of weight [largest branches/stems/buds first].

I could probably expound further on this..but i'm out of time. I'll check back later in the day to see if this buds grown.


01-13-2003, 06:39 PM
i didn't understand much of your post, but i think you are asking for some sort of threaded mode

vb3 will have such a mode look at vbulletin.com, so you could wait until it's finished and buy vb then..

01-16-2003, 07:26 PM
yes..some sort of threaded mode..sounds about right.

i searched for this at vbulletin.com - and didn't come up with anything. what should i query [keyword]??


01-16-2003, 07:32 PM
when you view a thread on vb.com you can change between linear mode, hybrid mode and threaded mode

01-17-2003, 12:02 AM
Go to www.vbulletin.com - then click on User CP - then on Options. Choose "threaded" or "hybrid".

01-18-2003, 04:14 PM
wow.k...i think i can dig this.. let me take a closer look and i'll get back to yehs. thanks for the pointer;)