View Full Version : pm hack

11-20-2000, 09:17 PM
Is there anyway I can see the messages that my users send. Like any way I can moditor these what so ever?

11-20-2000, 09:34 PM
LOL, obviously private has no meaning anymore.

Look in the database with a db browser (ie, phpMyAdmin)

11-20-2000, 09:56 PM
LOL, I know what you meen. The message well not be moderated on a regular bassis. But the problem was users were starting to use them for reasons other then what they were attended for.

11-21-2000, 05:37 AM
Its so tempting to look into my users PM's but I can honestly say I havent spyed on any of them eventhough they can be easily seen by browsing the database. SSshh dont tell them..