View Full Version : Modifying Forum table borders to 2px.

01-10-2003, 08:18 AM
Hello there,

I have a question about how to make the table borders in the forums a bit thicker. For example 2 pixels. I checked the CSS style sheet and changed it to 2px but it didn't seemed to do much so I'm guessing the templates need to be changed.

However when I look in most of my templates I see border="0".

So, now I'm scratching my head trying to figure out how to do this because I figure with a border size of 1 you would see it somewhere in the templates.

You can take a look at the vbportal/vbulletin site I'm designing for a client and you'll see what I'm trying to do. The buttons have a 3 pixel border. I'd like to bump the forum borders up to 2 pixels to achieve a box look that my client wants.

Any ideas would be much appreciated. Thanks.



Tony G
01-10-2003, 09:52 AM
Hmm, are you adding it in the Inner Table extra box in the Style Settings. I haven't the slightest idea but I think you can affect the width from the style settings boxes there.

01-10-2003, 11:29 AM
Hello there,

YES! You are correct! Thanks so much.

I've had my head in these templates all day coding that I didn't think to check my admin panel in the style area. Splendid!

- Ricoche

Tony G
01-11-2003, 10:03 AM
Glad I could help, I'm a good guesser these days. :D