View Full Version : Link to threads from my main website

01-08-2003, 01:22 PM
I would like to be able to create a forum that only certain people can post news stories and then the heading and the first couple sentences can be seen on my main website and it automatically updates when a new post is posted. Is there anything out there like this?

01-08-2003, 01:29 PM
To only let certain people post may be editted in forum options.
MODERATED FORUM , so only admins or mods are able to post.

You could use the Top10 hack to show it on your forums.
So just insert the code

And change:

require "global.php"


require "forum\global.php"

At least if you forums URL is:

if it's: www.yourulr.com\vBB\ make:

require "vBB\global.php"

And if it's: www.yoururl.com\mainpage\forum\ make:

require "mainpage\forum\global.php"