View Full Version : Memberlist - list by location

01-07-2003, 02:22 AM
I am trying to add an option in the main memberlist page that will allow users to list the memberlist by location in the same way they can list it alphabetically. I've seen the hack that allows users to search by location, but I think it would be much cleaner to have a sort function in the main area. Has this been done before? Would someone be willing to whip something up? Thanks in advance.


01-08-2003, 01:32 PM
This is not possible, because user's location isn't listed in Memberlist.php

So you've to edit memberlist.php to show location, and after
that you could maybe list them on location.

/me is not sure

10-21-2004, 04:29 PM
It is now, so is it available yet. :)