View Full Version : The Hot Web Launched

01-04-2003, 03:32 PM
I finally finished my import script and all of the design. Here is the new forum:
Please let me know what you think. It still needs some minor touch ups but I am happy with the overall result.
Thank You,

Dean C
01-04-2003, 06:18 PM
Very impresive design - but i'd put money on it thats's more than inspirate from yaxay v2 ;) - it's almost a semi-copy :p

- miSt

Tony G
01-06-2003, 04:20 AM
It's nice, but waaaay too many images used. What happened to good ol' fashion borders? Not very modem friendly, and not the fastest loading vB I've been on.

But that aside, it's an awesome design and the graphics are done very well.