View Full Version : northwestnissans.com - half way done redoing the entire site

01-03-2003, 10:50 PM
Website Url:


// powered by vbhome lite

Forums Url:


// powered by vbulletin 2.28 (yeah I know theres a security hole, I'll upgrade when 3.0 comes out)

I borrowed some styling components and buttons from Cypher's Shack forums (http://www.cyphersshack.com/cypher/) [With his permission of course!!] but the rest of it is done by myself.

Note: The front page and forums are complete, but I'm still in the process of converting the extra pages to the new style (gallery, links, etc)

What do you guys think? I'm open to suggestions, but I may or may not choose to use them. Thanks!

I've attached a screenshot in case you can't see it for some reason..

Dean C
01-04-2003, 06:23 PM
Homepage is very nice - good adaptation from the default vbhome structure :)

Forums - green textarea's look horrible and i'm not to keen on your header too. You should get a better guest avatar too :P

Otherwise it's simple and does a good job :)


- miSt

Tony G
01-06-2003, 04:18 AM
Not bad at all.

Just need to rid of that blue bar thing in tha table at the bottom of forumhome.

01-06-2003, 01:32 PM
Forums - green textarea's look horrible and i'm not to keen on your header too. You should get a better guest avatar too :P

The green textareas and guest avatar are leftovers from my previous style, I'll be fixing those asap. Thx for bringing them to my att.

The header... I dunno.. I don't really have any good ideas on what to do with it.. I need it to be the same general layout (with the banner built into it) but the gradient blue 2 light blue is pretty boring..

Just need to rid of that blue bar thing in tha table at the bottom of forumhome.

I'll have to post in vbulletintemplates.com to see how I can remove that.. they mentioned it over there too..

Thanks for the feedback!