View Full Version : I am receiving a Runtime Error... Nothing big, but whats causing it?

01-03-2003, 04:54 AM
Error is:

Line: 326
Char: 94
Error: Unterminated string constant
URL: http://www.lswon.com/forums/showthread.php

$option = array();

line 326 is: $pollbits="";

01-03-2003, 04:01 PM
Line: 149
Char: 2
Error: 'pmBox' is undefined
URL: http://www.lswon.com/forums/index.php

// usergroup defaults
$usergroupdef['canview'] = $permissions['canview'];
$usergroupdef['canpostnew'] = $permissions['canpostnew'];

Line 149 is: $usergroupdef['canview'] = $permissions['canview'];

01-03-2003, 04:11 PM
These errors refer to the HTML and not to the PHP source code. Its a JS error, most likly to do with not adding the blicking PM box harck correctly.

01-03-2003, 06:10 PM
I'll redo the blinking PM mod to see if that fixes the problem, but what about the first error... Any Ideas?

01-03-2003, 07:55 PM
try to revert the showthread templates, especially the poll ones..

01-03-2003, 08:16 PM
I had a friend with the same problems. I cant remember how he fixed it though. But try what Xenon said, he knows what hes talking about ;)

01-03-2003, 09:18 PM
Ok, I managed to take care of the PM problem, and now I'm working on what Xenon said.

A little Off-Topic, but does anyone know what hack/mod will allow me to remove my table borders?

01-03-2003, 09:25 PM
Done! Managed to fix it, Not exactly sure what the problem was, but just reverted back to original, then redid the quickreply hack again. All is well now :)

01-03-2003, 09:33 PM
it was surely a little JS-code mistake you made when u installed or editet the showthread template :)

remeber, whenever you get JS errors, try to revert the templates, it'll help most of the time