View Full Version : [Store Hack] Add a Custom Store Item

01-03-2003, 01:53 AM
The ultimate addon for LeSane's Store Hack. I have tried my best to come up with some homework to help the programmer out. LeSane's Hack can be found by clicking here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?s=&threadid=36991).

Just like one can add a smilie, add a template and add custom profile fields... have there be a way to add a custom store addon.

This is a very popular request all over the boards and from several site admins. I have spent some good time analyzing code to get this done myself, and being a C programmer, learning PHP code is a new ball game (but not too different).


How to make it Possible...
Again, I'm not a fluent PHP coder, but I know code (and will figure this out eventually)...

On the AdminCP, ABOVE the "View/Modify Actions", place a "Add Action" link.

This link will take the admin to a page that would require the following input:

ActionName: (5 word description)
ActionVariable: (12 char max [all lowercase] variable)
ActionDescription: (description of StoreAddon)
Cost (in points): (obviously, the store cost for the addon)
GraphicURL: (the graphic RELATIVE to the forum root [that is, of course, if store graphics are turned on])
Quantity: (default on "0". 'nuff said. If set to zero, this item will not display in Store home page)
Sold: (default on "0")
Show on Store: (default on "Y")


HTML Code to execute: (this can be left blank if no HTML code is needed to be executed)
PHP Code to execute: (also can be left blank)
Require Templates: (ok, either an entry to be seperated by commas, or a ON-PAGE template addon (to create templates here)). You're the hacker... i know its simple.

Then... there is 2 buttons: PREVIEW CODE (the HTML/PHP) and CREATE ACTION buttons. Of course the Preivew Code button will put up a popup with the actions in place. The HTML can be as simple as "mailto:admin@domain.com?subject='ADD XYZ STORE HACK SUCCESS'" and will send the HTML code to an admin.

The PHP Code can be great for Folks making ADDITIONAL Addons (and can have users simply just plugin the hack here) [like the vBHacker Hack, but exclusive for this Store Addon]).

THE CREATE ACTION button will do the following:
-Add a NEW Row in SQL with a new forum ID (perhaps starting at ID:30 to avoid other addons) with the neccessary above entries (all entries for SQL *are* above)
-Create Templates (if the programmer decides to include this)
-ADD to the store.php HACK php Page OR create a special code for the hacker to place in the store.php Hack. I personally think, upon installation of this Custom Addon Hack, that there should be a line inserted in the store.php to pull from either a custom php script or a SQL file, with all this addon code)

UPON creation of this code, the admin will be able to view AND EDIT this code from within the "View/Modify Actions" in the Store config area.

And the user will then see the new Store Addon in the store.php.

The code for a store addon (as found in the store.php) is really rather simple. For sophisticated programmers, they can figure out their sophisticated code for themselves, but this would make it easier for admins to throw in some fun items up for grabs OUTSIDE of Forum Code (as i think LeSane [and other hacks] have pretty much covered most of the ground in vbcode addons. Now, it's just time to have fun with basic script callings.

How's that? Remember, im not PHP programmer, but i think this may do it.

Code to analyze:
SQL DB: store (or custom for this script)

Any takers?

01-03-2003, 01:57 AM
This probably would be a great idea. If it was to where the admin could say it was ok. Like if someone puts a feature on the site. The admin has to OK it first.

01-03-2003, 01:58 AM
OH no no.. this is for ADMIN access only.... but if you mean a standard user to access this, thats a different ball game (maybe a request for version 1.1 of this hack ;))

01-03-2003, 02:03 AM
Heh. Well i didnt quite read all of that.. lol.. But both are a GREAT idea..

01-04-2003, 04:00 PM
.... yes, and it's already going to be a popular hack if someone can implement it. It's VERY possible, it's just someone with some guts to take it on.

01-04-2003, 05:09 PM
I disagree. It is simple enough to just go into phpMyAdmin and add a row, and then add some code to store.php.

01-04-2003, 05:48 PM
Link, then show us how to add the code to store.php.... the whole point of this, is making a "cookie-cutter" procedure to add a new store item. the complication comes to the logistics of making it work. You're right, the phpmyadmin is simple enough to access... but if the smilie, forum, etc... can easily make rows each time you add one, why couldnt the same exist with this app. It's not that it's tough to do, but rather it would make it simpler.

If there is a way to just make it to where we manually add the code ourselves, then show me your steps, and **I** will complete the auto-SQL code.

01-31-2003, 03:12 PM
I came up with what you are looking for.....
