View Full Version : gaming site hack- what console

Keyser S?ze
01-01-2003, 05:45 AM
i need a hack that in your profile it has a dropdown or something to allow ppl to select what console or if they are a PC gamer

since alot of ppl have multiple, maybe check boxes would be better,

and then have that info displayed in the "view profile"

for a addon, a spot to select "playing online?"

anyone do that, would be most appreciated

and Happy New Year!!

01-01-2003, 09:05 AM
This already excists!!
Goto your admin CP
Goto User Profile Fields
Click Add

Now fill the forum (Like: wich console do you own?)
Now make another one (Like: Do you own a computer yourself?)

Make sure this setting:
Field hidden on Profile?
- Field only viewable by admins and mods
- User will still be able to change it

Stays on: "NO"


01-01-2003, 09:20 AM
he doesnt want that though.... he wants check boxes

i dont know y but he does :) maybe it looks better

01-01-2003, 04:01 PM
He wants to be able to check multiple, I assume to prevent people from writing "consoles suck" or something else that is unsuitable in the field instead!

Keyser S?ze
01-01-2003, 08:50 PM
i dont want ppl just to be able to type in text, i want them to select one and then have it displayed, otherwise you got morons putting in other garbage besides whats suppose to be there