View Full Version : hidden smilies/replace word feature...

Taco John
12-30-2002, 01:47 AM
I've got an idea for a hack where an admin can upload hidden smilies... smilies that don't show up in the "smilie" box, but are still there when certain words or symbols are typed in...

This could also work as a word replace feature... Almost a word censor... so the f-word is turned into f*ck or a certain users name is turned into whatever phrase you want it to...

12-30-2002, 01:51 AM
You can do something close to this just by making replacements.

Taco John
12-30-2002, 06:33 PM
So how do I make replacements? I haven't come across that feature yet...

edit... duh... Nevermind... I found it...