View Full Version : What Options do i Need to host

12-30-2002, 12:20 AM
So what do I need to look for to host a vBulletin board...

As of January 1st i am buying a license.. and i was wondering what my host will need to have so i can host a vBulletin forum??

12-30-2002, 12:38 AM
Minimum Requirements: vBulletin is designed to run on every server that has PHP 4.0.4 or greater and MySQL 3.23 or greater installed.

Recommended Requirements: For optimum performance, we recommend that vBulletin is run on a server that has MySQL 3.23.33 and PHP 4 (latest version) installed.

The software has been successfully installed on several different flavours of UNIX (including Solaris, and Redhat Linux), as well as Windows NT/2000/XP.

Note: We recommend you contact your server hosting company to verify that they have the correct versions of PHP and MySQL installed. If you administrate your own server, PHP and MySQL are available for free download from php.net and mysql.com.
A bit outdated because you really should have at least PHP 4.2.0.

12-30-2002, 04:13 AM
alright thank you very very much..