View Full Version : Skins / Templates & Other Q's...

12-28-2002, 11:17 PM
Hi All, (virgin post ;) )

I am buying vB very very soon...and have a few Q's:

-- Where else (other than www.teamphotoshop.com/vbskins) can i find skins for vB??

-- Are skins the graphical elements & templates the actual structure/layout of the forum?? ( a little confused )

-- if you use any of the hacks here, will you void your support from vB

-- when will v3 be released..??

-- what other online resources are there for vB related stuff...

Cheers for all your help!!!

12-29-2002, 03:41 AM
1. google.com There are plenty of sites.
2. I'm not sure I understand the question.
3. Official suppor team doesn't provide support to modified boards. But you can always ask for help here.
4. Final is aimed for Q1 2003.
4. Vbulletin.com, vbulletin.org, & vbulletintemplates.com (?) are main ones.