View Full Version : Category Image Question HELP!!

12-23-2002, 03:31 PM
Ok, I've made my category image and its shaped like a trapezoid (A lot like the yaxaay default style), but when I've put it into the code, there is a rectangle behind it in the color of my "Category Background Color". However I noticed other sites don't have that problem. How do I fix this??

Question 2

I noticed people use category images below their forums too, like one at the top of the category, and one at the bottom of the forum section. Where do I put a category image for that at?


12-27-2002, 01:58 PM
This should be in the template discussion forums below. I would also suggest refering to vBulletinTemplates.com very good source for template edits for vB. Alot of them have been released, and there are more people there who have the time, and patience to explain. (I am not saying people here don't) but people there may be able to better help you seeing as it focuses on template edits for vB :)
