View Full Version : regarding the hack [vB v2.2.8] vB Links Directory 2.0 Please HELP

12-20-2002, 11:01 PM
Ok the templates in the templates directory are there as back up, the installer should take care of the templates automatically.

2. It is integrated into the site, using the power of vBulletin, you can add a link to links.php in your forumhome anywhere you wish.

3. Can you please elaborate on what you wish you want to be answered, sorry I do not completly understand

4. If you wish to display some rules for adding the link, the best place would be to edit the drkslink_addnewlink template, and handle it as normal html (no php) again the templates are there, go crazy, modify them :) just I ask that you keep footer, with credits.


12-20-2002, 11:18 PM
Regarding the hack:

.The hack seems cool...i installed but dont know about the folder with templates in the zip...dont know what to do with them....no instruction for those?

2.Is that link directory suppose to be added to the forum home somehow?I can pull it up tru the url to links.php but isent it supose to be implemented into the forum home page?

3.how do i add a extra field for site owners to put in information
about ther return link?

4. were can i display a rule for adding lnks to the directory?

hope for some help to a newbie -

12-21-2002, 07:45 PM
Hi DrkFusion,

Thank you so mch for clearing the up for me.

Your hack is wery cool!!

The extra field was ment as a extra info field were a site owner
can put in ther returnlink.

I mean if you want to get traffic from a link directory the
most commen is to add a url were the link directory owner can find a retun link to the link direcotry or site you are submitting to.

Like if i submit my site to your links directory i expect that you want a link on my site in retun to your site.

So the field were i need to submit MY link on MY site to your site is missing.

Hope this is making any sence :classic:

12-21-2002, 10:01 PM
Oh, so you mean like a topsite?

12-21-2002, 10:30 PM
For me to use it i would defently need somewere the site owner could put in a return url.
That would also make the already validation option feature
pretty usefull.

Hope somebody could tell me how to put in a extra info field
into the submission form as that is all i need to open up for this great script?

Maby also a message field were the submitter could fill in any
message for the link directory owner?

12-23-2002, 02:38 PM
Any suggestions on this ?

12-26-2002, 02:51 PM
I sitll don't understand, what you wish to acheive?

You mean a link back url, with his id, which gives him credit for his referals to his site?

Or something similar?

12-26-2002, 04:48 PM
If you have a website and you visit another website and think to your self gee if my website could get linked on this site and you
click on add link and then you see this site require a linkback and
you put in your information were the link to the linkdirectory or website can be found on your own site.

want traffic = send traffic back from site who made the submission.

submitting website must place a return link on it´s own site to
the link directory.

There is no place on the submitting form you can put in a return link url for the link exchange.

Basicly i just want a field were the submitter can place a url were a return link can be found and verified before approval.

most websites has it like this:

You want to get linked and recive quality traffic from our site?

Then grab a banner and put it on your site and put in the url
in the below submission form as to were the link is placed
and we will check it out and if it is on the link you provided we
will add you to our links directory.

Hope you undestand ...if not just let me know how i add
another field in the submission form? :classic:

12-28-2002, 11:53 PM
Is this hack so complicated that nobody can crack this?

hope not :bored: :bored: :bored:

12-30-2002, 03:06 AM
This is more of an affiliation type system

12-30-2002, 12:49 PM
A affillation system counts the hits from the sites i only asked
for a form field.
I mean you made 3 or more form fields for description url for the site who submit.
If you know how to make these fields how come you wont let me know how to add 1 or 2 more fields?

I need a field that says url of retun link and then the submitter can put that in together with his submission.

Can anybody help me out with the code to add 1 or 2 form fields on the submision form...i have waited 12 days for this pice of code
so i can use the link directory?

01-03-2003, 04:16 PM
First of all, you have to add a new field to the table, then you have to make an input form field on the addlink page, then to add it to the database you must edit the code at where it adds the link to the database, and add the variable of the form into where it will insert the variable.

I developed the hack, and it was layed out farely simple, I am sorry but if anyone is able to help I am glad for that, but it is farely simple, and I am trying to help all I can without actually going and doing some coding, also please post all questions in the Links Directory thread as people who may have modified it to there needs will be able to help you.

Also its not just as simple as adding a form field ;)
^^ Thread