View Full Version : Simple yet useful hack

12-19-2002, 09:17 PM
Sometimes us admins well we need to be a poster as well as an admin. Kind of a 2 faced poster ;) So we admin and we also go under a secrit identity. My problem is that the admin cp logs the ip's under the user and I don't want my partners seeing those IP's for a certain user. So is there anyway that when you go to view a specific user that you simply could add there userid number, that no admins can view there ip's? I'd like it so that it'd kind of give a "fake" mysql error or something but this is extremely needed and I know it probably isn't tough.

12-19-2002, 10:12 PM
well the easiest way i think would be:

open admin/user.php

find:function douserid($userid,$previpaddress,$depth=2) {
global $DB_site,$session;

change it tofunction douserid($userid,$previpaddress,$depth=2) {
global $DB_site,$session,$bbuserinfo;
if(in_array($userid, array(x,y,z)) and $bbuserinfo['userid']!=1) {

replace x ,y z with userids of your secret ones..