View Full Version : Security using VB on non-vb page - Desperate help needed

12-15-2002, 10:46 PM
I have been hunting around for a way to secure non-vb pages using the VB user tables etc. This way only members can view certain pages. I have tried every hack that has been posted here that says it can do the job but I am yet to find one that works 100%.

I am in desperate need of this and would appreciate some help in getting this up and running. Also, the pages I am trying to protect are on another subdomain on the same server.

Please help :D

12-16-2002, 01:04 AM
You can either include the gloabl.php and give an access denied if $bbuserinfo['userid'] is at 0. You can also just connect ot teh vb db and do your own login.

12-16-2002, 01:56 AM
I sort of understand the idea behind what needs to be done but after muddling through with code I really didnt get anywhere, my php is really not that great.

I need a user to be able to login on the non-vb front page and the session/cookie to be stored then when they goto a page which is protected it recognises them or asks you to login. If it recognises them it simply opens the page.

If they need to login I want get prompte wit the login box then to be sent to the page they were trying to get into when it asked them to login , if that makes ense.

I know this is probably relatively simple for someonw who knows tha they are doing with VB but it's causing me all sort of problems and unfortuantely I need to get this up and running quick :(