View Full Version : Viewing of logged IPs

12-10-2002, 07:02 PM
I've searched for something along the lines of what I'm after but couldn't seem to find anything. I need to log IPs of users but want to stop moderators from viewing them. By default if IPs are logged both admins and mods can view them. Just a simple group permission like the one allowing the viewing of IPs in the who's online section would be great. Anyone any suggestions?

12-10-2002, 07:04 PM
When you assign a moderator to a forum you decide then if they can view IPs for posts or not.

12-10-2002, 07:32 PM
Thanks NTLDR, over at vbulletin.com they told me to come here for a hack :)

12-10-2002, 07:34 PM
*sigh* And there the ones who should know whats included as standard :rolleyes:

Anyway, happy to help :)

03-17-2003, 11:53 AM
Can anyone give me an idea of how hard it would be to restrict IP viewing to admins only? I don't want my supermods to have access to this information. Thanks!