View Full Version : edonkey links other pre-sales questions

12-03-2002, 11:41 AM
I would like to know if this is possible before I purchase VB. Also is there a demo of VB? If this hack is possible I would like to test it out on my intranet. I would hate to drop $160 bucks for something that will not fill my needs.

Hope I can explain this well. I want to be able to add a link like this.

ed2k://|file|Scooby.Doo.avi|733757440|518696ad1010473ef4c b45c7c2c7a132|/

But have it only say Scooby.Doo.avi and be clickable. I don't want to have to add [url] brackets either.

The html version is "<a href="ed2k://|file|Scooby.Doo.avi|733757440|518696ad1010473ef4c b45c7c2c7a132|/">Scooby Doo.avi</a>"

I don't want to have to have html code on.

Ok here is another:


Would like it to say Server with Ip and be clickable.

This hack is possible with phpbb but I really don't want to use phpbb. I need the speed of VB. Thanks to all that can answer my questions.

12-03-2002, 03:48 PM
well, you can do it by replacementvars, or just a little hacking...

there are such small tips out here...

demo of vb: there is an admin demo on vbulletin.com, but no downloadable version. There was one before, but it has been removed.

12-03-2002, 04:28 PM
Thanks Xenon. I just wanted to make sure it would be possible. I will most liking purchase vbulletin and start hacking away.

12-03-2002, 04:31 PM
good to hear that :)

you won't make a mistake ;)

12-03-2002, 07:53 PM
Remember to come back here and enter your license number, then share your hacks! ;)