View Full Version : YaBB SP1 converter

Taco John
11-29-2002, 05:54 PM

I'm an admin of a huge YaBB board that is looking for a YaBB SP1 to vBulletin converter. I can't seem to find one, which is incredible to me, considering the giant userbase that YaBB has. I enjoy the free software, but for some reason I like vBulletin better... However, I don't like it enough to abandon the huge amount of content my YaBB board has generated.

It there a converter available or in the works? I don't know the first thing about coding, but I can follow directions like a mf'er...

Any help on this topic is appreciated.

If I can get this thing figured out, I'll buy a lisence immediately... But without being able to convert... no dice.

11-29-2002, 06:01 PM
Well, there is a YaBB to vb converter.

i don't know if it also works with YaBB SP1, depends on the DB-changes


Taco John
11-29-2002, 06:14 PM
I couldn't get it to work with SP1... It seems to be for YaBB Gold...

I kept getting permission errors.

Warning: fopen("/home/www/cgi-bin/YaBB/Variables/cat.txt", "r") - Permission denied in /home/site/public_html/BB/mod/yabbtovb.php on line 132


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/www/public_html/BB/mod/yabbtovb.php on line 146


Warning: fopen("/home/www/cgi-bin/YaBB/Members/#1stunna_lelie.dat", "r") - Permission denied in /home/orangema/public_html/BB/mod/yabbtovb.php on line 43

I don't understand why I'm getting these errors...

FYI- I borrowed a friends version of vB to test this. If I can successfully complete the conversion, I'm buying the lisence. If not, I'll have no choice but to stay with YaBB, or look for another PHP solution.

11-29-2002, 06:49 PM
hmm, it seems that your permission settings are incorrect

try to chmod those files to 777 and retry the script

11-30-2002, 02:07 PM
Don't the directories need to be chmod to 777 and files to 666 to give proper write permission (on some general setting) servers?

Taco John
12-02-2002, 02:46 PM
Seemed to work... I went ahead and bought the lisence... :D

There was a slight problem... The search engine didn't seem to recognize all of the threads that were ported in. Is there a way to fix this so that the search engines will properly index these threads?

12-02-2002, 08:35 PM
Ahh, good to hear, it was a good decicion :)

yes, in your acp you have an option called update counters, there you can reindex the searchengine